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  • I know about the insurances. But I mean, are we at the point where we need to insure licenses that we legally bought because of the copy protection system? Essentially, we would not be insuring the computer or, I don't know, the DVDs, but the copy protection dongle??? This honestly sounds a bit excessive to me...

    Apart from the cost of it, dealing with insurance refunds is really never fun: loads of bureaucracy and the refunds are never really "guaranteed" despite what they might be claiming on their websites.

    But again, I mean, we are speaking about software!! legally purchased software and the number of problems that costumers are asked to go through because of "copy protection"? Again, I don't mean to say that VSL shouldn't apply a copy protection system to protect their interests but the whole burden of it cannot be only on the paying costumers...

  • The question in the OP,  "are they written anywhere", ought to be answered.

    My dongle with most of my VSL licenses, finally broke into two pieces. This was my old Cubase SX2 dongle also. I had failed to ever register it with steinberg; but steinberg support was somehow able to fetch that number for me (the same afternoon as my email request); I sent the broken one to VSL support, and all was sorted in a short amount of time. I'm sure it is a matter of record here, that number, where you have registered your license.

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    @Gianna said:

    My dongle with most of my VSL licenses, finally broke into two pieces. 

    Ah, but you had physical possession of the dongle, so my expectation would be total replacement of the licenses, for a damaged license holder. And it appears that VSL honored that, as one would expect.

    Just today, I discovered that a very crucial (to me) disk maintenance utility CD was defective, and the media could not be used. The company replaced the media for free, even though it is more than 3 years old. They asked for the defective CD to be returned.  HOWEVER, would I have expected the company to provide a new copy if I had "lost" the CD? (the software will only work from CD/DVD) That's the issue here...

    A damaged dongle MUST be replaced, and all licenses restored without any hesitation by the licensor. Any other result would be immoral. But do I expect a software publisher to give me new licenses for lost or stolen? Can't expect that. I think it STINKS that our world sees little value in protecting the value of IP creators. 

    Many (most) of us using music software products are music and IP creators. We more than anyone should understand why our tools need to be protected from non-owners, and we (the music creators) should be the most vocal in supporting and protecting the tool makers. Unfortunately, historically, we (music creators) have been the biggest thieves of IP, and the tool makers do anything and everything possible to try to protect themselves.

    I own at least $50,000 worth of software. As a small business, competing with the next guy, how would I like it if the "next guy" has the same tools, but stole them? If the tools are well protected, I can at least try to compete... knowing that my competitor had to buy his tools as well.

    I am on record stating the eLicensor is a POS technology (especially on the mac) -- and I am on the record liking the iLok. No, make that LOVING the iLok. But this thread is not about copy protection -- it is about WHAT DO YOU ACTUALLY BUY when you buy a VSL DVD package (or any software)? I think they are very clear that you are buying a license to use the tools, and the license is installed on the eLicensor dongle. Do they really need to state in writing that if the dongle is lost, the licenses are lost as well? Sounds like fun for lawyers...

    I am SORRY for your loss. Really. It's a disgusting feeling to have something lost or stolen. I know. Been there -- but in this case I don't think we can expect much more than a discount from VSL for new licenses. Don't lose your dongle.

  • jeremyroberts, thank you for your reply. I think it adds the point of view of the music professional to the discussion and I think that the point of unfair competition (the unfair advantage of musician stealing the software) is actually right and understandable.

    On the other hand I ask you to also try to see things from my perspective: that of the hobbiest (and SE is not meant as a professional tool). For me 2000 euros investment in SE is a huge amount of money cause it is done just for the sake of, well, fun. It is an investment which is never going to bring me any money back. Since I use the software only for my enjoyment, it doesn't really make any difference to me if the guy sitting next to me on the train uses the same tool illegally. I buy the software cause I think it is right and it costs me time and work to get to buy the software.

    I do not use VSL for work, this means that I try to use it in my little spare time: it can be in different places and, often, when I travel. But, by having to take the Vienna key around a lot, chances are also high that it gets lost or stolen (eg together with the backpack).

    This said, being told that the whole investment I've done for a music software is 100% linked to a small pieceof hardware

    - which has got nothing to do with the product I've bought (it doesn't add anything to the software, it rather slows it down)

    - and which brings me no gain at all

    becomes something very hard to digest.

    Again, I'm not asking for no copy protection. I'm just asking for a reasonable system. People in this forum have pointed out simple solutions which would allow to restore lost or stolen licenses easily why can't that be implemented?

    A final observation: these cons of the Vienna key were not written anywhere on this website until a bit ago. People at Vienna told me that they'll now start adding this info on the site, I still didn't have a chance to check whether they've started to do so, but I trust they will. But the plain fact that the information has been "missing" for so long leaves an open question regarding whether this key=license approach is really 100% correct torward the costumer (I'm sure it is legal, I'm just speaking about correctness).

  • I chimed in as there were one or two persons here with broken dongles.

    I lost a Yellow Tools dongle once, losing 300 bucks. They were clear in the manual about that.

    I've had Steinberg replace install disks as well (Interestingly, I've had good & timely support always from that company which (on the internet) has a horrible rep for support. The art of letter-writing may factor in?).

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    @cesare.magri said:

     For me 2000 euros investment in SE is a huge amount of money 

    For anyone!

    A few years ago, a pro musician over at the Digidesign forum (DUC) lost his iLok on his tour bus. The discussion led to the suggestions to Waves to do the TLC program -- which basically removes the permanent license from your dongle and replaces it with a temporary license that MUST be re-charged every 90 days. A lost or stolen dongle then has no value to the finder or thief as it will self-destruct within 90 days.

    The idea that a license can live on a dongle, yet only remain active after a "phone home" to the mothership is offensive to some, and welcome to others. Waves solved this issue by making the TLC program optional. If you travel with your dongle, TLC is probably a smart choice. If you have outsiders in your studio and your dongle is a theft risk, etc... On the other hand, for a home studio, TLC may be a headache you are unwilling to deal with...

    In my opinion, traveling with dongles can be risky. I travel with mine when I have to... and I am never comfortable for a few reasons:

    1. potential for loss or damage
    2. potential for loss or damage
    3. potential for loss or damage

    The way that I move my dongles: connected to a non-powered usb hub and well protected from physical damage. And always on my person. A TSA (airport security) office once tried to handle it and I made it very clear that NOBODY was to touch it without my presence. At least in the US you can have a discussion with the TSA officer before they inspect things, and by law, they must respect your wishes... if you tell them, "no, you can't touch that", they won't - (you can't get on the plane, but your property is safe).

    Some software is best on a dongle, and some are not. In my opinion, VSL belongs on a dongle for the following reasons:

    • I can take my VSL hard drive with me and work at someone else's studio.
    • I can move my VSL instruments to different computers within my studio, as needed

    AND -- never have to "authorize"

    As opposed to the disk-based auths of Native Instruments and Spectrasonics. I HATE not being able to simply work at another studio without a big authorization issue. And it's not common for other studios to let you bring a boot drive.

    So the flexibility that the dongle brings is worth  the headache. What other solution would you propose? Retinal scans before each use?

    Unfortunately, the concept of the license living on a piece of plastic is hard to accept if lost... but as someone mentioned before, jewelry is a small item that can be lost. Or a watch. Or just about any "small" item of value. What would you do if you lost a ring? What would the expectation be of the supplier?

    I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I really hope you can work something out with the software vendors. And please try not to lose your dongles in the future.

  • Jeremyroberts, that's true: different use of the key indeed might requires different types of authorization. The Waves method sounds brilliant! Thus I'd like to use this forum to ask the Vienna people if they could do a step forward torward their "non-professional" users and consider that type of solution especially since I'm still convinced that watches or rings are not the right term of comparison for the licenses that we bought.

    To Gianna:

    unfortunately there is little reference to the Vienna key in the VSL manual at all, same for the license agreement: you'll only read about the licenses, that's it.

    Regarding Steiberg: I've read awful things about the company on the forums and that's what always kept me from trying Cubase although some features such as the VST expression are quite interesting. But now  I'm glad hearing that someone has had a good experience :-)



  • Well, fortunately I knew from my steinberg and YT experience to watch out for the dongle. I moved once and lost the YT one.

    There is a forum, which is basically unofficial, which has a somewhat tendentious relationship with the user base. Steiny's attitude toward the customer base is somewhat arrogant on the issue of bug fixes vs new features (the former doesn't always even happen) and it looks at times like marketing dept has a bit too much say in things. OTOH, people opining in the negative will post on the internet many times over those w. a positive POV. It may be that I'm just lucky with it, but every time I've had an issue, they were timely and helpful. It may be that someone writes them angrily, or in not the best style to read, and that gets waylaid. Something I learned from my father, to write in a business-like (concise) and polite manner when you want to get service.

  • Interesting discussion, so what's the bottom line? I have licensed an apartment and then I go and lose the key. Are my days in the apartment over, unless I buy a new key? Sounds scary. A key or a dongle can be lost in many ways. Like if you lose your Visa card, you can't get to your money. Maybe I'll stop using Vienna and put the dongle in a vault. Pekay

  • Agree, very interesting discussion. Didn't know about this.

    I will never in my life buy the cube och super package until there's a sort of a backup system! Can't understand how people have taken this huge risk!

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    @Martinz said:

    I will never in my life buy the cube och super package until there's a sort of a backup system! Can't understand how people have taken this huge risk!


    If you keep the dongle in a safe place, there is no risk. Else, insure it for its full replacement value (not what you paid, less so-called "depreciation" (which is silly when looking at the insured item - it doesn't depreciate, but the Euro does fluctuate against world currencies, and the true replacement cost is the Euro, not your local currency).

    A buddy of mine used to keep his logic xskey on his regular keychain with his house and car keys -- never an issue -- but I thought he was insane for that.

    IN MY OPINION, NEVER, never, never plug your dongles directly into a computer. ALWAYS, always use a hub or extender or dongle buddy. In my experience, many (most?) dongle failures are mechanical. Not that I've ever had one, just anecdotal... and would you know, the few failures that I've heard about were all due to physical stress. ADDITIONALLY -- with a dongle attached to your logic board, you risk damaging your computer each time you insert or remove, so I am VERy cautious -- and use a hub. Less contact with the dongle, cpu, etc...


    But DAMAGED dongles are not really an issue, since the company(s) will ALWAYS replace damaged auths if you have the dongle. I have never, EVER heard of a company that failed to restore auths (for free) if the dongle failed, and was returned to them. That is not really the issue. The issue is loss or theft. And the only solution from any company out there is Waves. And yes, I would support VSL if they provided a time-bombed solution with a "phone-home". But the privacy guys hate this. But so what? How many times in your life have you been without an internet connection for more than 90 days?

    I would also agree to IP-specific use -- that is, I would tell VSL where I am using the library, and if it can't connect to the server, the software would time-bomb -- BUT, BUT - BUT, this better be FREAKING PERFECT, else mass exodus. And considering the "we can re-invent our own wheel" mentality of VSL web site, I would be very cautious before allowing VSL to do this.

    MY points: there are many solutions, and none are perfect. VSL needs to protect their IP. The customers need to protect the value of their investment. How would you do this if you were VSL?

  • Right, but then why not just letting users choose between a "call-home" system and a "keep it in the vault" system?

    I keep the Vienna key in my keychain and connect it directly to my laptop. I've never read of hub or "dongle buddies" in the VSL system requirements. I don't want to be slave of the key. I bought the product, I just want to use it simply and anywhere...why do they have to make me go through all these troubles for something that I've honestly purchased?

    I think that a Waves-like system woudl be just fine for many users. An IP-specific system just sounds impossible to implement: some people don't have fixed IP addresses, plus I want to be able to use the software wherever I go. 

    The truth is that, honestly, if I had known of all these key-related issues, I would have never spent my money on SE, that is the unfair part. I'm not saying it is a bad product cause it is not at all! but the Vienna key system is just not fair to the costumers: If I had seen a page like the one you've posted the link to on the Vienna website, well, I would have simply ran away...

    A question, which copy protection do other libraries tipycally use?

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    @cesare.magri said:

    A question, which copy protection do other libraries tipycally use?

    Spectrasonics uses a challenge/response system. Works great - but "taking it with you" is essentially impossible, unless on a laptop.

    Native Instruments has their own challenge/response system -- administered by thier proprietary "service center" application. Works fine UNTIL something goes wrong with the application, and you can't auth or de-auth until you solve the issue. I was unable to use NI products for more than a week once.

    Synthogy (Ivory ) uses iLok

    Most Avid (formerly Digidesign) products and 3rd parties that are designed for protools, use iLok.

    Mach5 uses iLok

    Part of what put Gigastudio out of business was the defection of most soundware developers because Giga failed to support copy protection. Remember, VSL launched in Giga format, and if Giga had adequate protection, do you suppose VSL would have stayed with them?

    PS -- take the VSL key off of your keychain and treat it as the valuable item that it is. And don't plug directly into your laptop. You are asking for trouble.

  • Thanks for the tip Jeremyroberts, I think I'll do as you suggest and avoid plugging the key directly into the laptop and won't carry it around although I'm afraid this essentially means "stop using my program".

    But I'm becoming more and more frustrated with my purchase :-(


  • Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater!

    "protecting" the valuable key should not diminish your ability to enjoy using these sounds.

    My 6-1/2 year old daughter enjoys playing her violin, but refused to take care of her instrument. She would leave it everywhere, except its case. She would never do what her teacher instructed her, re: bow maintenance and protecting the beautiful instrument. So we took it away from her. After a few weeks, she convinced me to allow her to play it, and she now treats her instrument as the valuable thing it is. Not to mention her joy when she composes new melodies! 

    Don't let the copy protection ruin your experience.

  • However in our case nobody had instructed us on these delicate issues...

  • The thing is that everyone must assume that the dongle WILL break/disappear (things will always disappear, things always will break), and putting €9000 into a plastic thingy that will need to be replaced someday feels wrong. 

    It may be like womens jewelry, but I wouldn't recommend my girlfriend to buy a necklace for €9000.

    If there could be a way of having the licenses secure on a VSL server and the dongle, I would be more likely to save money for the cube or super package. 

  • How much do these dongle insurance cost? What do they exactly cover? Is it hard to get the money in case of loss?

    Does any one have some experience with them?

    P.S.: software insurance is not in the VSL software requirements either :-)

  • Hi everybody! Say you save 5000 euro on a bank account (maybe to buy some Vienna products). Then one fine day, somebody steals your Visa card and gets access to your PIN code. What happens? You immediately call your bank and block your card, right? And then you a get a new Visa card and a new PIN code. Your Visa card is a representation of your "lisence". It lets you access your account conveniently anywhere. Of course you're careful with it. But if you lose it you won't lose access to your account. Or your money. Just like a dongle. The principle should be the same. You lose your dongle, you block it and get a new one. You were trusted a dongle when you bought the product. Why shouldn't you get a new one if you lose it. What's the problem, really? Pekay

  • In order to block a dongle, you would have to have a system where periodically the dongle has to connect to the Internet in order for the licence to work. Some users wouldn't want to keep removing the dongle from their studio machiens for this purpose, particularly if everything is working perfectly and they never need to take the dongle on the road.

    Just insure your software, like all the other studio equipment that you have.
