In my case my audio-signal is split into three signals:
- The direct signal going to a bus with altiverb (stage position on, ER and Tail off)
- The early reflections signal going to an altiverb bus (stage position off, ER on Tail off)
- The reverb signal going to an altiverb bus (stage position off, ER off, Tail on)
So my question is, if I need to set different delays on the ER-busses for an instrument that is front left and one that is center.
According to my calculation the left instrument would have e.g. 15 ms delay on the left early reflections, but 30 ms on the right early reflections.
I think, I need to set these delays manually (with a stereo delay), cause I doubt, that Altiverb is able to calculate these delays due to the following reasons:
1. If you have an Altiverb with direct signal, stage position and ER switched on, you hear no difference in the ER, weather you move the speakers to the very back right or the very front left.
2. If you try a workaround and send a signal from an Altiverb (with just the direct signal and the stage position on) to another Altiverb in order to generete early reflections from a altiverb positioned instrument, the second altiverb can´t know about the position of the incoming signal:
It just gets a signal, that is a little louder on the left, has a little EQ on it and maybe slight delays in the right channel. But these delays are calculated for a direct signal and don´t compare to the delays of early reflections.