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  • I don't know about what problems this might bring up, but wouldn't it be wonderful if instead of dealing with this multiple ports business the midi specification was rewritten to have unlimited channel support. I mean that 16 channel limitation is just harking back to the initial hardware days and has no place in a modern DAW anymore.

    But who can do this? Perhaps a petition to that organisation?

  • I don't know if it's even possible technically to rethink this standard.

    But it's really a shame that logic won't show the VE Pro Midi port on his channels for it seems to be very easy for cubase and other daws

    But if this was possible does the VE pro Audio Unit plugin have to be redeveloped by VSL teams?

    Is the alternative to open several instances of VE Pro really viable if I wanted to load a full orchestra mock up? I counted this would be 7 instances optimizing kontakt 4 with intrument banks.....this sounds like way too much...

    Thanks Again



  • As Paul has mentioned this is a limitation in the AU standard. If you want this changed then write to Apple to ask for it, or ask them to make Logic compatible with the VST standard. It would be a better to get this sorted at the source rather than expecting VSL to provide a workaround.

    It is entirely possible to load multiple instances of VEP - I've seen composers using 9 instances with no problems. Doing it this way also helps for organisation as you can split your sections into instances, which can make it easier to find the instruments when you want to edit them.


  • VST also only supports a single MIDI input port. VST3 and RTAS do support multiple MIDI input ports.

  • Yes, but the problem becomes screen real estate management. I still think we need a Tile Windows option.

  • I recommend to use Exposé for this, which does exactly that. You can set a shortcut in System Preferences to show only the windows of a single application too.

  • Hi... I have just finished installing VEPro and am trying to set it up in Logic Pro... Have followed the instructions in the manual to setup a Logic Multi-Instrument. Am having the same problem trying to access multiple Instruments on the VE Server. I came across this thread and realized that perhaps I am not as stupid as I feel.. Please could you give an idiot's guide to how to workaround the AU Midi limitation. I'm confused as to whether I have to setup multiple VE servers, or do I have to load the VE Plugin into multiple Audio Instruments... And how exactly do I setup the Aux channels. And why would I need to do this if each plugin is on its own instrument strip. And if this is what we Logic AU users have to do, why is there a "VE Multi Output (16 x stereo" option? What's that for? Sorry for all the questions but I am obviously missing a vital point here... Peace! -- MacPro 2 x 3.2GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon | 16GB DDR2 RAM | MacOS 10.5.8 | Logic Pro 9.1.x | Ableton Live 7 | Apogee Rosetta + X-Symphony | NI Komplete 6 | Spectrasonics | EastWest PLAY | SSL XLogic x2 | Waves | Multiple SoftSynths and Plugs |

  • WARNING: Shameless self-promotion alert! I have a tutorial on this in my book "Going Pro With Logic Pro 9."

  • Batmandela, since no one has responded with an answer to your questions I will try...

    Currently the AU specification is limited to 16 midi channels. This means you will have to utilise several VEPro instances, each with a maximum of 16 instruments. For each of these instances you will need to create a multi channel audio instrument in Logic and instantiate the VEPro plugin which can then be "connected" to a VEPro instance running on the VEPro Server. This will automatically create 16 tracks in Logic. Each of these tracks is set from midi ch 1 to 16. These tracks, however, are not individual instruments but rather midi channels of the one audio instrument. Any changes you make to the channel strip will be reflected in all the other channels of this instrument. Hence this limits your ability to tweak the individual Vienna Instruments running on the server. This is where aux channels can come in handy. If you use the 16 channel version of the VEPro plugin then you can route any of the instruments (using the output menu within the VEPro interface) to an aux which you have to create within Logic by pressing the little + symbol in the mixer window near the bottom of that audio instrument. So if you route an instrument to output 3-4 and then create an aux in Logic, you have a separate audio path to fine tune the sound of that instrument. 

    This wasn't totally obvious to me either so I hope this explanation helps.



  • My current set-up uses a metaframe with a number of open projects, each linked in Logic with the AU Plug-In.  You say you've seen composers using 9 instances with no problems.  I have been getting a lot of overload messages using about 9 instances of the latest VEP build.  Will I get better performance if I consolidate some of my projects and have fewer instances of the VEP AU?  Are they particularly CPU greedy?  Are there some other settings I should be paying attention to?  I am working on an 8 core Mac Pro 2nd Generation with 26 GB of RAM.  

  • what buffer size are you using in VSL and in Logic ?

  • Hey Cyril,

    I've been experimenting with different buffer sizes in Logic, from 256 up to the max.  For the VEP Au I have two buffers set.  I am wondering if I should turn off plug-in delay compensation, which might only be confusing the matter.  

    When I have a Kontakt running in the VEP projects, should I set the buffer size to 0?  Are all these different buffer sizes confusing things even more?

    Also, I did read a link in another thread regarding Logic Playback, stating that unless one is actually recording on an instrument track, a different track should be selected, for instance the Master Output, as Logic goes into live mode simply be selecting a track, which is great for capturing a take when record wasn't activated but is quite a strain on the system, especially if there are already instruments playing on that channel strip.

  • 1024 is a good figure for Logic if you don't have to play on a keyboard

    I have set latency in VE pro pref to 1024 too



  • Thanks, Tom. I got this sorted out eventually through a lot of trial and error. But I do I appreciate your help.