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  • It would be good to hear some more examples of the choir in further compositions - preferably before the offer period ends. Having recorded with top quality choirs in an orchestral and soundtrack environment on numerous occasions I am interested in this latest offering.

    I have the VSL Soprano instrument, generally very good but I have a problem with the tuning of the legato patches, and the East West Symphonic Choirs not too bad either but never got to grips with word builder which means most of the samples aren't brought into play. As a side note there are some really good performances within the Spectrasonic's Symphony of Voices, unbelievably 13 years old but yet to be surpassed in certain aspects - maybe because it's an English choir, arguably the best in the world :) !, though perhaps not directly comparable to the latest virtual instruments.

    I must admit to a feeling of a certain synthetic/artificial characteristic to the demos so far. Is it that there is a uniformity that is often not so present in a real performance choir?, is it they are individuals brought together for a sampling session rather than a choir used to performing and rehearsing together? is it the acoustic they were recorded in? (I recently recorded a 60 strong choir in a dead studio and had to work really hard to bring the performance to life. Yet I recorded/sampled a couple of large world class choirs in two of London's most famous orchestral recording rooms and the sounds are just so expansive and "real" a trait I would love to be able to pick up in VSL's latest work.

    Most of the orchestral demos from VSL have blown me away in what has been achieved in sampling. I'm now hoping that there will be some recordings confirming the same has been achieved with the choral library!



  • I'm a little bit dissapointed of this new product.

    Ok, the sound ist amazing, very clear and detailed and I'm sure that legato, glissando is the best on the market. Never heard some subtle sounding A and U out of a sample lib and I hope further demos will show, that this choir can also be powerful and bright.

    But, it seems to me an unfinished product. Only A und U vowels? What about O, I and E or some often in choir music used consonants like Mmmh. Will all of them follow to 445,- EUR each? 

    Any children choirs planed? 

    And overall, a really realistic choir do sing words.Only a few vowels and consonants do limit the range of use. Keyword Wordbuilder or something similar.

    If vocals do sing words, independent of understanding them all, it brings some kind of special human feel to a production. It makes a great difference if a choir only sings Aah, independent of their great expression, or if the choir sings real words. But maybe, such type of realistic and usage area isn't the aim of VSL Choir.

    For one of the more expensive choir libs on the market, I had expected more vowels, consonants, features and a wider spectrum of usability. I was in hope, that VSL will bring out a better sounding and feature rich choir lib as EWQL SC is, to a competitive pricing. But it seems, that the VSL choir lib aims to a completely different range of use. Really nice for classical chorals without words, but thats all and it's too little for that price. 

    It's a shame, I don't see in VSL Choir a reason for replacement of EW Choir. 


  • After letting the choir demos simmer for a week or so and then hearing them again in a rested light, I must sadly agree with Markus's post above. Not the break through I was hoping for, and too expensive for what it is. I can purchase several of the top choirs on the market for the price of the VSL choir alone and have all my bases covered.

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    @markus_30526 said:

    But, it seems to me an unfinished product. Only A und U vowels? What about O, I and E 


    well, technically "I" is a dipthong ("ah-yee") so there wouldnt be a way to vocalize/"play" a sustained "I" sound, really.

    Unless you are meaning short stacattos like the already included Ta, Ra, Pa, Sa, etc. At which point if you wanted every possible combination of consonants and vowels and phonetics you'd be describing a Wordbuilder, which the VSL never claimed to be. 

    Anyhow, im both impressed and disappointed in some of the demos thus far (no offense intended VSL and its composers) The trills especially didnt sound that stunning to me. Regardless,. even if this library were merely sustained Ah's and Ooh's, it'd still be amazing quality.. But i guess it;s kinda still to early to tell. .  . .


  •  I already placed my order and I believe VSL team do their best [;)] For me I don't bother about the demos cuz I trust VSL..Thanks Herb you usually do a great work[Y].


  • I am not convinced by the demo's either, and at more than double of the price than the EW Symphonic Choir (which includes WB, boys and solo voices) I was expecting something really stunning.

    The "creepy" demo even almost sounds like the good old mellotron to my ears...

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    @shakuman said:

     I already placed my order and I believe VSL team do their best For me I don't bother about the demos cuz I trust VSL..Thanks Herb you usually do a great work.


     Same thing here ! VSL Soprano is far better to many libraries so the choir is for "me" ! [:D]

  • Can you tell me the vocal ranges of each voice please. That would be a factor in my purchasing the package?



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    @ross.harris_30748 said:

    Can you tell me the vocal ranges of each voice please. That would be a factor in my purchasing the package?



    Hi Ross

    Checked it with the sustain articulation:

    • Bb3 --- C6  > Soprano
    • E3 --- F#5  > Alto
    • B2 --- C5   > Tenor
    • C2 --- E4   > Bass


    Beat Kaufmann

    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • Looking forward to hearing it the finished product.  What is the best way to integrate with Sibelius?

  • There's no ooohs in the standard library???? Thats like bringing out a string library and having no violins. 99% of the time people will just want ooohs and aaahs. I probably would have bought the standard library if it had the most commonly used articulations, but I'm definitely not paying £750 just to get some ooohs and aaahs.


  • I can see this :

  • Vowels “A” (aah) and “U” (ooh) as staccatos, sustains and Legato Performances, at 4 dynamic levels
  • Maybe, you read too fast ? [:P]

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    @SyQuEsT said:

    I can see this :

  • Vowels “A” (aah) and “U” (ooh) as staccatos, sustains and Legato Performances, at 4 dynamic levels
  • Maybe, you read too fast ?

    I think Temasterson was making the point that to get the oohs as well as the ahs the extended library at a UK cost of £750 was required.

    Which is what the product page appears to indicate.


  • I just registered my Standard Library and can't find the link to register the extended library for free (I'm a Cube owner).

    Will the code be emailed to me?

  • Scratch that question; I found it. You have to "buy" the extended library, then it shows a discount of $615.

  • Just a quick question, as I won't be able to install my copy until I get a new computer or hard drive (I'm too close to the edge right now):

    Is the download-only Soprano Choir fully contained in this full Choir edition, or were those different sample sessions and/or a different articulation set?

    I'm just trying to priotizie the order I handle projects in, as I love the dl-only library and bought the full standard+extended Choir Library last week, but don't want to waste time tracking stuff with the dl-only Soprano library now if I'm going to find that the sopranos in the full Choir edition sound a lot different (in which case I'll need to allocate time to compare more patches first).

    I think this question might help others who are dithering last-minute on whether to splurge for the full Choir edition as well (not my project prioritization issues, but details about the carryover/overlap/etc, of the dl-only Soprano library with the new full Choir DVD box).

  • I did an A/B of the free soprano choir against the retail soprano choir today (I bought the Vienna Choir last month), and from what I can tell, they are two completely separate samples/sessions.

    In fact, the original downloadable soprano choir is FAR superior to the Vienna Choir, IMO. When I bought the Vienna Choir, I was hoping that the rest of the sections (alto, tenor, bass) were going to be as good as the download version. Alas, I was not too happy with the production values in the retail version.

    Specifically: the download version has much more "gliss" between the notes than the retail version. Unless I'm missing something, the retail version just doesn't sound as authentic as the download version. (The retail perf-legatos and perf-legato glisses don't even come close to the perf-legatos of the download.)

  •  Interesting, I'm finding that that the perf-legato on the retail version is smoother than the download version. In a project I did recently using the download choir, on each legato note the volume seem to "lurch" slightly on the change. Horses for courses I imagine. I haven't tried combining the two yet.

  •  HM are you guys saying the Dload sopranos are not a part of the dvd version?

    Thats odd..since there is a discount? I like and use the dload version alot...and was kinda hoping that the rest of the sections were as good or even better.

    Could somone post a few short examples of a simple and plain legato phrase ,perhaps?

    I cant really tell whats what from the perticular the Males would be interesing to hear in more detail.

  • Any more feedback on the choir would be very much appreciated ... especially with the special offer deadline looming.

    Many thanks
