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  • Download Instruments

    So, if I download the "Flute 1" for example. I don´t get at all what´s included in the Flute 1 in the big DVD collections (Woodwinds 1)? It says 899.6 MB in the download version but it doesn´t say how big just the flute is on the DVD collection, so can´t really compare :/..

    Tnx in advance

  • hi sirthoms.

    you can compare. just take a look at the sample content page of the according libraries and you will find out which articulations are included and which aren´t



  • Beware though, that the downloadable instruments have fewer velocity layers than the dvd instruments in many of the patches. The downloadable instruments are also whole tone mapped while the dvd's have samples for every tone, i believe.

  • Yes I know about the sample content, I just want to see a better picture of what I will loose if I buy one download instrument. It would help if you could see how much in Gb each instruments have in the DVD colletcions as well.

    And it doesn´t say at all how many velocity layers the DL instruments have. It doesn´t say that even in the DVD collections, or did I miss it? I would like to know what I am buying before I am buying it.

  • depending on the patch, there are 1 to 5 velocity layers in the DL-version... mostly there are 3.

    1 layer is only for sforzato and fortepiano

    legato, fluttertongue and trills  have 2 layers. all other 3 and one sustain patch has 5 layers.

    you can really work very well with that.

  • 5 layers for sustain sounds good. But only 2 layers for legato sounds really bad. I have the old library (gigastudio) and they have only 3 layers on the legato patches. And I think that´s way to little as I use the legato patches the most for melodies.

    So how many velocity layers have the instruments in the big DVD collections then? Excuse me if that info is here somewhere but I can´t find it. The velocity layers on the legato patches are the most important for me. Hope there´s not only 3 layers on those?

    Thanks for helping!

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    @Johannet said:

    Beware though, that the downloadable instruments have fewer velocity layers than the dvd instruments in many of the patches. The downloadable instruments are also whole tone mapped while the dvd's have samples for every tone, i believe.

    Is it true about whole tone mapped and not all velocity layers for all download instruments?  If that is the case, why doesn't it say that on the info pages for the download instruments?

  • I remember an early explanation where this was said to be a feature, to keep the download size small. [:^)]

  • Could someone from Vienna clear this up?  Thanks.

  • It would be nice if mapping and number of velocity layers was clearly printed somewhere. I remember looking for it, to no avail! [:'(]

  • Yes can someone from Vienna plz answer this velocity question? I really need to know this before I buy. Why not just type that information in the sample content? Velocity layers isn´t exactly something you don´t care about, it´s ofcourse very very important.


  • Hi,

    Legato patches have 2 Velocities only (that was the same system in the "old" Sample Libraries) - Velocity Xfade helps a lot to get more dynamics in.

    The Special Edition is mapped in whole tones. We have optimized the Special Edition to pack more instruments into this collection. That also means that we have reduced the velocity layers, where this made sense, musically.

    For more detailed information about any collection, please contact



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:


    Legato patches have 2 Velocities only (that was the same system in the "old" Sample Libraries) - Velocity Xfade helps a lot to get more dynamics in.

    The Special Edition is mapped in whole tones. We have optimized the Special Edition to pack more instruments into this collection. That also means that we have reduced the velocity layers, where this made sense, musically.

    For more detailed information about any collection, please contact



    Are individual download instruments mapped in whole tones as well?

    And how many velocity layers are in a typical legato patch in the full library?

    Where in the product info does it say that these other libraries aren't chromatically sampled and have fewer velocity layers?  I don't see any mention of that.  From what I can find, the product info makes it seem like the only difference between the download versions and the "full" instruments are additional articulations.

  • Heya,

    Something who could be nice would be to have a 2nd Instrument's download version, where you can get the instrument like in the dvd collection for of course a price who would worth the dvd price or so (hope you understand what i mean :X)

    I am sure some of us like myself would enjoy that because not all can afford the price of the dvd collection and when you think about it some instruments are easier than others to fake different articulation or dynamic or just some wont use all the instruments in the dvd collection.

    Could be really a great idea than we can chose to make ours own orchestral by selecting the instruments we want with all the articulation/dynamic layer available who still left the chose to buy later any instruments we didn't need in past time but could be needed later.

    I think not have all the articulation is not that important but dynamic layer is more important its hard to fake the color of an instrument playing all dynamic.

    Still thanks for that great library who make possible what composer would never have can do since rare are those who got an real orchestral in hands.

    Best Gilles

  • well, to me the DL-products are a great addition to the special edition and sort of an intermediate to the big libraries. yet i do miss quite some instruments among the download-products, for example:

    chamber strings (or strings at all... not downloadable for some odd reason)

    muted trumpet (only in the SE extended version)

    muted trumbone (only in the SE extended version)

    stopped horn (only in the big libraries)

    flügelhorn (unfortunately that is not even part of the large libraries)

    i actually would rather buy these single download-instruments than getting the special-edition extended version, which then would lack some articulations anyway... plus i would have to buy instruments i know i would never use (like guitars, bassett horn, a second oboe, a second horn, etc...) i don´t really see the problem. these instruments are already there... why not add them to the download-instruments?

    i really don´t understand that. on the one hand we are offered the same instrument twice as a download (flute 1, flute 2, french oboe, viennese oboe, etc...) and on the other hand some things are not offered at all as a download, like muted brass or chamber strings... appears very weird to me... hope this will change some time soon...

  • Could someone from VSL confirm whether the download instruments are only whole tone mapped, and if they have fewer velocity layers than the DVD instruments?

    It's a simple question, and I'd appreciate an answer.  Thanks.

  • i actually would rather buy these single download-instruments than getting the special-edition extended version

    That´s true.

    The problem is, that every discount always goes into this extended libraries, which the starters most of the time don´twant, because you cannot you it without having he standard library already sitting there.

    Download Instruments are nice, if you are really keen on one particular instrument and "hate" the others of the connected DVD product.

    Otherwise if financially possible, I would try to stick to the DVD versions. Usually more bang for the buck and on top fully compatible with the other stuff, since download setups cannot be mixed with DVD instruments when it comes to upgrading/crossgrading etc.

    I actually have the same problem with the Elements vs some single percussion downloads, but I think I will get the DVD in the end.