Thought some of you may be interested in the results of some performance testing I've been doing....
For the past few weeks I've been evaluating various combinations of sequencers and orchestra libraries as to their performance on my Mac Pro. I am very impressed with the results found in using Cubase 5 combined with VE-PRO. From a real-time perspective, for my system, this combination surpasses all others.
My system:
Mac Pro 2x3 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon 16 GB 667 MhZ DDR2 FB DIMM - (Not the fast one available - older version)
4 - 750 16 GB Serial ATA Drives - System/Sequencer on 1, Project on 2, and VSL (entire library) on 3 -- other libraries on 4.
3 - 30" Cinema Displays, M-Audio Keystation Pro 88 and Apogee Ensemble Sound Interface.
VE-PRO - Audioports = 60 -- Multiprocessing = 6 Threads
Cubase 5.1.1 Build 120
Logic 9.1.0 Build 1697.23 64-bit
I used Jay Bascal's Tutorial The Right of Spring - Part 1 as the sequence (GREAT JOB Jay!!!). Loaded 98 instruments in a single VE-PRO instance, 2 busses (1 for orchestral depth position using wet & dry sends on each channel and 1 for overhead hall). Each channel in VE-PRO had a Vienna Suite channel EQ loaded. The two busses had each a channel EQ and Convolution Reverb, both Vienna Suite. The position depth IR was the GrosserSaal Near and the overhead hall was the Inspired Acoustics Bella Bartok Concert Hall - Stage Stereo Front Row 13 - 0. The Master Bus had the VE Suite Multiband loaded. There was also 29 Stereo outs (58 total) routed to the Cubase Mixer sub-groups - mainly for visual bar purposes. All mixing was done in VE-PRO.
Using VE-PRO and Cubase 5, I was able to play the entire sequence with the CPU averaging about 69% with a range between 66% - 73%. There was no cracking nor any noticeable delay. VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!
I thought I'd try the VI 64-bit in Logic 9 (64-bit) for comparison sakes. I established 98 tracks and loaded each with an instance of VI. I tried to run the sequencer as is with no samples or effects loaded just to ensure Logic could handle the loaded before I spent any additional time configuring. It choked. I played with the various buffers etc. with no luck. Logic just couldn't handle the demand without freezing tracks. Not sure at this point how many -- Don't want to spend the time finding out.....
Bottom line...... VE-PRO """Rocks"""".
Great Job Herb and the VE-PRO Development Team!!!! You have a very CPU efficient product.