Thanks for the answer. I understand the limitation of 16 channel (With AU instrument) but there is a setting in the preference of Vienna ensemble pro that let's you open new midi port. It just doesn't seem to work. As any people made it work with Dp7 ?
DG is right, only 16 channels per instance. Even if VE Pro had a way of allocating more channels, you would still be limited by the AU Plugin itself in DP. DP (or any other Mac host) considers the VE Pro plugin to be an AU instrument.
I have 3 instances on my slave machine normally, which means I have 3 separate VE Pro plugins available in DP. This gives me 48 possible MIDI channels.
Has anybody successfully used VE Pro connecting two Macs (Master and Slave) via ethernet? Or do you use a separate audio interface for each slave computer and connect via optical?
works like a charm here. Just add busses in your "instruments" Bundle window (shift-U) and then make Aux tracks with those newly created busses as their inputs. and BAM! midi and audio over LAN!! simply amazing. If you use the stand alone version, you can then use your audio interface... I use both at the same time on the same Slave mac and it works great! I use the Stand alone for when I want to route samples in different instances through the same port. You can't do that with the VEP Server. Each instance makes it's own set of "NET outs" and you can't route across these. **Hint Hint** **Wink Wink** **Feature Request** although it's awesome having 32 outs per instance and not needing any type of audio interface!! Anyways... that's my 2 cents on this ha!
Hi J111111 Could you explain this first setup again? You are saying that you are connecting to your slave without using the VEP server? MOH
I'm a new user here, just got VE Pro, yesterday, to use with DP 7.24, in hopes of utilizing all of my 16GIG of RAM.. Couple questions: A) I can't seem to get different loaded AUs (in one instance of VE Pro) to respond to different MIDI channels. As a test, I loaded Trilian, set it to channel 1, and Play, with strings, set to channel 2. All I hear is the Trilian Bass, no matter which DP MIDI track I've armed. Is it recommended to set MIDI channels on VE Pro's plugs on the VE channel strip on VE Pro, or within the plug itself? If that's the case, what should the VE Pro's individual MIDI channel per strip be set to? B) I'm not seeing all my AU plugs available for loading in VE Pro. For instance, no BFD2, no Arturia, no RealGuitar2, no DrumCore 3, etc. I DO see all my Spectrasonics/NI/Apple. Any idea why? Thanks, Greg in Houston, new user!
Welcome greg328,
You are referring to multi-timbral plug-ins (Trillian and Play).
VE PRO gives you 16 MIDI channels for 1 AU port, and if you want to use multiple MIDI channels, you should set the MIDI channel in the VE PRO channel strip to "multi".
It will be a good idea to open multiple VE PRO instances for these multi-timbral instruments.
You can also check out the chapters "Multi-timbral instruments" and "Routing" in the VE PRO manual.
Regarding your second question: You have probably launched the 64 bit VE PRO Server, which means that you can load 64 bit plug-ins like Spectrasonics, NI.....
To load 32 bit plug-ins, you can launch a 32 bit VE PRO Server additionally!
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Paul, Thanks so much for the response. I did indeed figure out that only my 64-bit AUs will open up in the 64-bit VE Pro. All my others appear in the 32-bit bit version, thanks! The bigger mystery is how to access different channels of a single AU instance within VE Pro, and beyond that, multiple multi-timbral AUs in one instance of VE Pro. By the way, I'm not using VE Pro on a separate server Mac, it's on the same machine as my sequencer. The loaded AUs do indeed appear as MIDI destinations in DP 7.24, but I can't seem to get them to trigger, as loaded into VE Pro. Trilian is responding, no matter which DP MIDI track I arm. Hardware audio outs are a separate issue, I think I've got that covered. It's the MIDI end of things I'm trying to figure out. Ideally, I'd like to access up to 8 parts in PLAY (Hollywood Strings/Brass/Beatles, etc...), one Trilian part, maybe a part or two of Omnisphere, 8 parts of Stylus RMX. Is there a limit to what one VE Pro can handle, MIDI-wise? You mentioned that I should open up other AUs in a new instance of VE Pro? Seems counter-intuitive; I thought VE Pro was designed to handle, and mix, lots of multi-timbral AUs within one instance. One other question: apparently the 64-bit VE Pro allows access to all available machine RAM, correct? No 4-gig limit? Does the 32-bit VE Pro allow access to 4-gig of RAM, the normal Mac OSX limit? Even so, this is a step forward for me, as I've been trapped inside DP's 4-gig limit, with all my AUs and audio tracks!!! Thanks so much, looking forward to VE Pro's full -feature set! Greg in Houston TX USA edit--by the way, I don't see a "multi" setting in the MIDI channel options, only OMNI, then 1-16.... ??
Hi greg328,
These are many many questions.
1) 1 AU instance of VE PRO offers "only" 1 Port/16 MIDI channels. This is a limitation of the AU standard.
=> So if you want to use multiple multi-timbral plug-ins, you will need to open multiple instances of VE PRO. Set the MIDI channel to "omni" in VE PRO for these multi-timbral plug-ins (on top of the channel in VE PRO, sorry for the confusion with "multi"), and assign the correct MIDI channel in your sequencer.
2) Yes, a 64 bit VE PRO lets you use all the RAM you have available. The 32-bit VE PRO has a RAM limit (in theory 4 GB, in reality around 2.8 GB).
You can always send a screenshot with a link to this thread to
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Thanks for the response. If I only use partial capacity of several multi-timbral AUs, can they be loaded into one VEPro stand-alone instance? Example: 6 parts on PLAY, 4 parts on Stylus RMX, 6 parts on Kontakt, totaling 16 MIDI channels. Is this possible? My confusion centers around the availability of several AUs in ONE instance of VEPro. I understand the 16-channel limit per instance, but can these channels be spread across several AU plugs? I've tried this, can't seem to make it work. Thanks again, Greg
I also am having the same difficulties in understanding how to make multiple plugins work in ve pro. I found a workaround by opening up a ve pro instance for each plugin - one for kontakt, one for omnisphere, one for vsl instuments, etc...
But, this is incredibly inefficient as I have to open up more ve pro instances than i need. I'm sure this is just a routing issue of some kind, but after spending hours trying to figure it out, I just started using separated instances.
OK, after experimenting more, I want to report back with my experiences. They are not good! :-) Here's my scenario: I have DP 7.24 open, along with VEPRO 64 bit. I've loaded one instance on PLAY into VEPRO, with one instrument loaded (Hollywood Strings part). This is a very simple situation, trying to resolve basic issues. I set up one MIDI track, pointing to VEPRO channel 1. I've got the PLAY channel in VEPRO set to 1, matching the DP MIDI track channel. I've set up the VEPRO AU within DP, outputting to one of my hardware stereo pairs. I can play the string patch from my MIDI keyboard no problem, either with VEPRO or DP in front, doesn't matter. When I'm in DP, no matter which MIDI track I've armed, the VEPRO patch sounds!!!! So, say I arm the Trilian bass track--I get bass AND strings! It's as if VEPRO is receiving MIDI no matter which device or channel I'm record-enabling in DP. It seems that I have a MIDI setting wrong in VEPRO, I'm just not sure where to start. Is there a way to "slave" VEPRO to only respond to the MIDI device/channel I specify from within DP? The other odd thing, and this may be the telling thing: Although I can play VEPRO from DP, recorded MIDI track data WILL NOT trigger the corresponding PLAY sound in VEPRO! This leads me to believe 2 things: A) DP is not correctly sending MIDI to VEPRO, and B) VEPRO is taking over my system's MIDI ports, entirely. The manual really is no help, I would appreciate some step-by-step assistance to get this software working! I don't want to attempt multi-AU, multi-timbral operation in VEPRO until we resolve these basic issues. Appreciated, Greg in Houston TX USA
You need to assign your first instrument to something like bus1-2 in DP and then the next to vep 3-4, vep 5-6 etc. This will separate each instrment. When you hit the plus sign on a vep Play master (the one assigned to Bus 1-2) you then get a next fader that should be assigned to midi channel 2.
It seems that I need to put two instances of Play into each instance of VEP because I can only get 8 discreet stereo outs from each instance. So if I use two instances of Play in each of two instances of VEP I get 32 separate stereo outs. I have tested this and it seems to work well.
There was a little glitch or it took a little time for the midi channels to assign at first but all seems to be working.
@greg328 said:
When I'm in DP, no matter which MIDI track I've armed, the VEPRO patch sounds!!!! So, say I arm the Trilian bass track--I get bass AND strings! It's as if VEPRO is receiving MIDI no matter which device or channel I'm record-enabling in DP.I'm quite sure that you have figured this out by now, but for others who find this thread: PLAY defaults to an omni midi setting for each instrument. You need to manually set the discrete MIDI channels, or in the prefs set it so that new instruments are assigned to incremental MIDI channels.
@plurye said:
I do this all the time — works fine.
I tried to load an Omnisphere and Trilian into one VEP Instance, thinking that the Omni would receive MIDI channels 1-8 and the Trilian could receive MIDI channels 9-16, but wasn't able to get it to work. However, is it technically possible to have a second multichannel AU receive specified MIDI channels like this? I couldn't even get Trilian to receive on Ch 9.
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