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  • Pro Tools HD+VE Pro freezes for a few seconds then resumes

    Anyone using PTHD with VEPro? I'm running 11 instances of VE Pro, hosting 2 slaves, and PT freezes for 2-3 seconds every few minutes. I'm running on a mac pro dual xeons with 8gb ram, most of my rtas/cpu is free with everything loaded. The only thing I can think of is the ethernet bottlenecking. But am I really using up all of the gigabit bandwidth?

  •  You don't have autosave enabled do you?


  • autosave is off. Either way all of the VEP instance are decoupled.

  • I'm running one instance of VEP PT 8.0.3 and PT freezes up for no reason. It's not a save or autosave issue. AND PT can be sitting idle when the spinning beach ball appears. Has to be a client plugin issue.

  • I was thinking my ethernet bandwidth was maxing out, but I doubt VE Pro is using all of the gigabit bandwidth. Hopefully Marnix has some useful info about this.

  • Know I'm commenting on something inxredibly old, but I have the same problem with pro tools 10hd, ve pro on my host and 1 slave. Get the beach ball for a couple seconds every 2 minutes and its a huge work flow annoyance and a deal breaker with vepro if I can't sort it out. Does anybody have a solution? Running mountain lion, Mac pro 12 core 3.33ghz, 34gb ram, 1 MacBook pro i7 quad core 2.2ghz machine as a slave. I should note the issue happens with or without the slave.

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    Hi arsmith,

    Did you try to work in "decoupled" mode (see page 37 in the VE PRO manual)? Sounds like this is the auto-save intervall in Pro Tools, which needs to extract all information from the plug-ins in VE PRO.

    Alternatively, you could deactivate auto-save in PT.


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • thanks paul. Sometimes I think it is the Auto Save (because I can see on my slave that it's being saved, and I have a LOT of tracks which I know makes Pro Tools saves take a while)... Other times, however, I believe its independent of auto-save. It happens often after I click in the Pro Tools timeline... I will read about decoupling, but wanted to describe these symptoms to you in case they offered any more insight. Also, Im wary of turning off auto save because it has saved my ass so many times... So if there are any other solutions, Im all ears.

    Another issue Im noticing are clicks and pops when I have a lot of midi information going on. My CPU in activity monitor is nowhere near maxing out, and I have a couple gigs of ram to spare as well. What could be the problem here? My hard drive? I have a flash hard drive as the system OS, and 3 internal hard drives (one for sessions, one for samples, one for backup). All hard drives are 7200rpm except for, of course, the flash hard drive.

    I have a feeling that if I were to run 2 slaves with all my VSTs and use my Mac Pro solely for Pro Tools it would run like a charm, but I custom built this computer to be a workhorse (again, 12 3.33ghz cores, 34gb ram - which I might increase to 64gb, 3 7200rpm hard drives, 1 mercury accelsior OWC flash hard drive for all system files) and would much rather utilize all resources of my computer than purchase another computer to run VSTs. I've really gone to town maxing out this computer, and would love to reap those benefits by using VEPro. If, however, it is going to be much more simple to purchase another slave, I'd love to know in order to start preparing for that option.

    My slave is a Macbook Pro, i7, quad 2.2ghz, 16gb ram. It runs like an absolute charm... I just start up VEPro, load my metaframe, and the thing sits there and has had absolutely zero issues. If my Mac Pro could handle VEPro in even close to a similar manner while also simultaneously hosting Pro Tools, I would be in heaven.

  • also, just read about decoupling.. It states that it will be useful/helpful in sessions with long save times or in Ram hungry sessions. My sessions are certainly RAM hungry, so would going from 34GB of ram to 64GB of ram offer any help when autosaving? I have 2 GB of unused ram when Im in my session, so my computer isn't using every bit of ram... But if going to 64GB will help, I'll gladly pay that.. If not, I'll save that money and use it towards Slave #2. Any input/advice is much appreciated.

  • Hi arsmith, 

    Thanks for the description. 

    Pops/clicks most probably have to do with the latency settings (in your soundcard and in the Server Interface plug-in). One trick would be to increase the Server Interface latency for each VE PRO instance you don´t record with. 

    The other thing is to check if you have assigned enough threads assigned to each VE PRO instance (in the VE PRO Preferences). 

    I´d definitely try decoupling. Just remember to "Decouple all" right before you save your song and to save your VE PRO metaframes additionally (just to be safe). 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL