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  • Instruments volume and compressor

    Heya all

    I recently completly changed the way i doing things. I discovered that VE was using much more cpu than if i using VI alone. Why i can't say but that's alright like that. The problems i having is about the instruments volume.

    I can't remember where i found that but i started to use it and wander if 1 is it good and 2 if it work for all instruments and all vsl owning (special edition/ dowload instruments...).

    Also i was trying to understand with the compressor what i should do. In exemple, my Cellos start to play m/p but the motif always start by an detache articulation associed to a staccato for simul an accent on the begin note and then play the rest of motif on pizzicato. With some calcul playing m/p would meant volume shouldn't go more than around -13 but should it be the accent who reach that -13 limit or the pizzicato? Also from that the question who follow is does each technique reach the same volume for the same dynamic? I was only using basic preset from all VS plugins but if i want exatly the sound i want i need to adjust them and its getting an hard work when you learning how it work :X

    That's the result to have change all the way my work, now i having more questions than befor. Hope some of you will can help me see better in all that. Thanks in advance Gilles

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    @GillesCostard said:

    ... Also from that the question who follow is does each technique reach the same volume for the same dynamic? I was only using basic preset from all VS plugins but if i want exatly the sound i want i need to adjust them and its getting an hard work when you learning how it work :X

    That's the result to have change all the way my work, now i having more questions than befor. Hope some of you will can help me see better in all that. Thanks in advance Gilles

    Hello Gilles

    Unfortunately I don't understand exactly all your questions.

    But yes, if you want to have good results you need to adjust nearly all your played samples to the next following one - which means "that's quite a lot of work".

    About VI/VE

    While starting with "making music with VSL-Samples" it is not necessary to use VE and VI. I would use the Vienna Ensemble (VE) later on for getting more familiar with Vienna Instrument (Sample Player) first. 

    All the best


    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • Heya beat,

    Thanks for the answer. I finally found the answer of most of my question after look diferents things ^.^

    Best Gilles

  • Hey Gilles,

    I don't know if you've already figured this out but, generally,  more compression = less dynamics.  Compression is a tricky matter for orchestrated music because when you compress audio you are making it more dense, or thicker.  This is fine for Rock Pop styled music but orchestrated music can go from barely audible silent to ear drum bursting loud in a matter of seconds.  Compression will take your highs and lows and compress them resulting in less dynamic audio.  You pp's start sound like mp and you ff's start sounding like mf.  Subsequently, I don't use compression that much anymore.

    Just some things to consider.

  • Heya jasens,

    Thanks for your message and yes i already figured this out and i don't use much comp just using the basic ones from vienna suite.

    Thanks again for the infot ^.^
