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  • Please Help a Beginner Find the Cello

    Hi, I bought the Special Edition thinking I could use some nicely recorded classical instruments. I have some problems though. I can't find a solo cello with more than one keyswitch layer. The only preset I find is the Solo Strings, but it only has one layer and sounds kind of unrealistic when playing more than 2 notes due to the repetitions of the articulations. Please help me locate a cello. I found the matrix layers, but I don't want to manually program a new instrument if I don't have to. Thanks, erluna

  • I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to do but try using the Patch Assign view and just work with the patches rather than the presets.  That way, you can build a matrix of your desire as many layers deep as you want with as many keyswitches as you want.  

    Hope this helps.  

  •  IMO, in the long run, it is very worthwhile to learn to program your own custom presets.  One of the great things about VE is that the process is very intuitive.  Taking the time to create your own presets can also be a good way to go through and learn about all the different articulations for each instrument that are included in the library.

  • So VSL comes with no pre-programmed instruments out of the box? I have to learn and spend the time to program "matrixes" or "presets" before I can even try the instruments out? Had I known this I would not have have bought it.

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    Hi erluna,

    of course there are presets and matrices available with every product. They are designed to give you a quick overview of the possibilities and they are also consistent throughtout our products.

    As the Vienna Instruments are very flexible, many users take advantage of these possibilities and create their own matrices and presets, depending on their preferences.

    Our Video Tutorials will be a good starting point.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @erluna said:

    So VSL comes with no pre-programmed instruments out of the box? I have to learn and spend the time to program "matrixes" or "presets" before I can even try the instruments out? Had I known this I would not have have bought it.

    So what's so tough about creating your own matrixes?  It would probably take less time then it would to load up a preset.  Think about the project you're working on.  If all you need is stac. and legato then create a matrix with stac. and legato.  It wouldn't take that much time at all especially if your using the SE.

  • Some of the problems are I don't even know what matrices are, and definitely not how to create them. I don't know some of the musical terminology associated with orchestral music. I don't know what the numbers I saw stand for. Velocity Levels? I want to create music, not read manuals on how to program. I was expecting being able to browse through some pre-programmed cellos so I could jump right into creating music. I found the interface and terminology a bit confusing. I'll dig out the manual and check out the videos one day I guess. Thought I don't like having to do that, especially after just getting it.

  • Reading the manual is always a good idea, no matter what you're purchasing. And really, the manual for the Vienna Instrument won't take you more than 30-60 minutes to read through. It will be well worth it. :)

    For your convinience though, patches are the smallest unit in the world of VSL-samples. A patch features one articulation, be it staccato, legato, fast legato, thrills, glissandos, grace notes... you name it. You can load several patches (articulations) into one matrice. A matrice is a grid of articulations with a vertical and horizontal row. You can then instruct the Vienna Instrument to switch between those articulations using different controllers or keyswitches. For example, you could assign the modwheel to switch between the patches in the vertical row. Those could be legato/portamento-patches. Then you could assign speed control to switch between the patches in the horizontal row, and load patches sampled in different speeds in that row. That way, slow playing would trigger one patch, and fast playing another one.

    Lastly, several matrices may be combined into one preset, though a preset may consist of just one patch though (and therefore one matrice), whatever good that would do. When using multiple matrices in one preset, switching between them is done via keyswitches. If that's an unfamiliar concept to you, a keyswitch is a note which by itself wont make a sound. However, it tells the engine what kind of samples the keys with samples mapped to them should play.

    Spend some time with the interface, the rewards are great, and really, it's probably one of the most intuitive and straight forward yet powerful Virtual Instrument out there.

    Good luck!