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  • 64Bit ...SAD

    It is sad to get such answer...

    Hello Alain!

    Thanks for your mail.

    Sorry to say that Vienna Ensemble on Mac is only available as a 32bit application and therefore can not load more than about 3 GB of RAM. I recommend upgrading to Vienna Ensemble Pro, which is a 64 bit application. Then you can use all of your RAM.

    Best regards,

    Andreas Olszewski


    VSL Support

    Worse is feeling to do not have the same PRIVILEGES of PC U$ER  !

    Vienna Instruments Software 2.0.4132 (Windows XP/VISTA/7, 32+64 bit)

    Vienna Instruments Software 2.0.4017 (Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5, 32 bit, UB)

    Mac users are reading this for to long time now...

    WHEN are you going to give same privileges to all VSL users?

    Of course there is VE Pro $315... (no matter)

    But the beauty of VI is its great SIMPLICITY ...the Base of VSL's PHILOSOPHY

    Easy, Simple to use and POWERFUL ...but not 64bit on MAC !

    Sorry but it is Sad,

    Really SAD...

    Sincerely yours

    Alain LeBlond

    Composer born in 1957

  • Hi Alain,

    This post will probably rub you the wrong way.  Do you even read the forums at all?  If you had just looked for 5 minutes, you would see threads complaining (or asking) about the same thing within the last month alone.  All of them say exactly the same thing.  64-bit VI is on the way for MAC users (this has been said time and time again by VSL themselves right here on this forum almost every day).  Prior to that, there has been many threads discussing exactly why we haven't seen one for OS X.  Just this week alone it was said that it's actively being tested (which means it's near release).

    What seems to be the problem with those answers?  We have been reassured many times over now that it is in the works and actually being tested right now.  For being born in 1957, you missed the mark hugely on this one.  50 years of life should have taught you to do a little more homework before jumping to a false conclusion.  Go look at all the other companies on the market and notice that they also didn't have a 64-bit plug-in until recently (and lots still don't have one done).  It was all weighing on the release of Snow Leopard and the fact that Logic was only 32-bit (I think Cubuase and the others were only 32-bit as well until Snow leopard release).  All of that has changed now and it's coming.  Please stop whinning, it isn't VSL being "unfair to MAC users".  If you think it's unfair then buy a PC with Windows 7.

    Now let's be happy that it's so near release and celebrate the fact that shortly we too can have 64-bit on a MAC (without purchasing VE Pro).  Thanks to MAC for finally giving VSL (and every other plug-in vendor) the road to build a platform on.



  • He was asking about Vienna Ensemble.  And the response from Vienna should have mentioned that a 64 bit version of VI should be out soon (whatever "soon" means) since that may make VE or VEP unnecessary.

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    Your kind words are appreciated...


    I'm just eager to get VI and VE 64bit for Mac user...

    (soon ... ??? !!!)

    Simple use is my way... VI 64bit would be The best...

    At least for my needs.


    The old 1957 born

    Alain LeBlond, composer

  • If you read his original post he says Vienna Ensemble, and then every reference after that including the actual pasting of information from his user area was about VI, not VE.  So it wasn't clear.

    Everyone is allowed to post both unhappy and happy comments here (I have complained a few times over the years too) but be prepared to get both resistance, and also good information.  Forums are a good place to post your frustrations at times I agree.  But like I said, you're going to get criticism and beneficial responses.

    Alain, there is a thread that is about 4 links away from this one talking about 64-bit on MAC.  But I think if you are truly meaning VE (ensemble) there is another thread that discusses this which I will paste for you.  I will warn you hehe, you're probably not going to like what you read in it though...


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    @Migot said:


    Your kind words are appreciated...


    I'm just eager to get VI and VE 64bit for Mac user...

    (soon ... ??? !!!)

    Simple use is my way... VI 64bit would be The best...

    At least for my needs.


    The old 1957 born

    Alain LeBlond, composer


    I find myself using VI most of the time since most of my projects are smaller.  I am really happy they are finally getting us a 64-bit version of that soon (this term is so loose lol).  I am in agreement with you that VI is the easiest to use (at least I think it is).  I just find it easier to do a track, freeze it in Logic and then move on to the next instrument.  VI works best for me on this.  The ONLY thing I miss about VE and VE Pro function is the "panning" as I think it's superior to Logic's but that's my personal preference.


  • cgernaey,

    The VI and VE's limitation of using only 3Gb of ram on OS X is my concern...

    This is Why I'm so eager to 64bit version.

    Of course ALL VSL features and Products are Great and THE BEST...



    PS did you ever try N3 (if you like write music on score) You'll understand why VI 64bit would be so nice...

  • I would add my support to Alain in pushing for the 64 bit version of VI. For a lot of people it is the easiest and most transparent way to access the VSL library. So until VI 64 bit is go then VSL is not fulfilling it's potential on current Mac hardware.

    Yes it's been well documented that Apple changed the ball park for 64 bit development, that's not in dispute.

    However a VSL response to a query "Where's VI 64 bit?" ....well we suggest you use Vienna Pro - is not exactly diplomatic. This sort of indicates (Mac) development focused on new products with an associated income stream at the expense of configuring what must basically be the same code to get existing owners a long promised capability.

    Julian (still waiting for my 64 bit VSL - the only bit of my production flow still stuck in RAM resticted mode!)

  • Julian,

    Thanks for your Support...

    We may now change the post's name by:

    ---Mac VI & VE 64bit Hopes !---


    I'm still eager...


  • A 64-bit AU host (Logic 9.1) has only been available for about a month. 64-bit VSTi hosts were available on Windows for years. That's why there aren't any instruments for Mac yet, the format was only recently released. Kontakt, Play, and EXS are still 32-bit as well. At least VSL has a 64-bit solution for Mac, using the player in Vienna Ensemble Pro.