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  • Strange dual monitor problem with Vienna Suite

    Since recently I have a strange problem with Vienna Suite.

    The plug-ins work fine on my main monitor, but when I drag them to my secondary screen, they do not respond to any mouse action anymore. I can't access the menus, click buttons, drag sliders,... When I drag the plugin window to the main screen I have access to everything again.

    I am in Logic 9.1.0 on OSX 10.6.2

    Any suggestions how to solve this?

  • Hello Jef,

    Did it work before?

    Thanks for the additional info!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul,

    Yes, I am using the latest version, I downloaded and installed it this morning because I hoped that this would solve it, but it didn't.

    However, it worked all fine before, I am using the Vienna Suite for several months now and this problem never occurred before.

    I am puzzled what is causing this suddenly.

    On my secondary monitor the interface of the vienna suite plug-ins do not respond to the cursor anymore, and on the main screen they work fine.

    Vienna Instruments do not seem to suffer from this, they work fine on both displays.

  • just a shot into the blue: have you recently (inadvertently) changed colour depth or similar things (eg. hardware acceleration)  for the second monitor?


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • No, None of that.

    I have done some further tests, and the strange thing is that the VSL plug-ins become only unresponsive on the second display within Logic.

    I mean when they are instantiated from the Logic mixer tracks.

    When I use them from within VE PRO they work fine on the same second display.

    The same happens with the Vienna Ensemble Pro Server window. It works fine on the main screen and the moment I drag it to the secondary screen it becomes dead...

  • i see ... so maybe please write to VSL Support providing information about

    - detailed os version, logic version, VE PRo version, Vienna Suite version

    - grafic card model (incl. MB video memory) + driver vesion + screen resolutions +  bit-depth

    for trying to reproduce the issue.



    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.