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  •  Hi Lubo - Thanks.

    What type of Notion SLE articualtion or marking would I use to trigger these?


  • Patrick,

    It would be just normale (the regular main sound) and staccatto.Since you will be substituting patches there is no special articulation mapping involved. Here's how to do it.

    1. Start a score and enter the Violins I preset from score setup.

    2. Exit score setup and click on the Violins staff. Hit Ctrl+I or Cmd+I(Mac)

    3. In the Vienna Instrument instance that pops up, click on matrix assign

    4. Drag over the appassionata sustain or staccato to any existing sustain or staccato patches in the matrix

    That should do it.

    Lubo Astinov

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    @Jonathan Price said:

    Hi Lubo

    I am trying to get Notion SLE to act as a rewire slave to Logic 8. I have enabled rewire in the preferences. I made sure that I opened Logic first.

    I then tried to create a new aux strip, but when i choose an input, Notion SLE isn't there as rewire option. Can you help please?


    Hi Jonathan,

    Sometimes some permissions issues have prevented the NOTION rewire bundle being copied. This may be the cause for the problem.

    Try this for a solution: Go to Applications, right click on NOTION SLE and choose Show Package Info. Then go to Contents/MacOS and copy the Notion Device.bundle file. Then paste this file in [main HD]Library/Application Support/PropellerHead Software/ReWire

    Restart both apps and this should fix it.

    Lubo Astinov


     Hi Lubo,

    Since I still have a similar problem rewiring to Nuendo I wonder if there would be a similar solution.


    Paco Monge

  •  Hi Lobo - Don't I then loose the use of the Violin 1 sustain and staccato?


  • Lubo,

    About Double bass...

    VSL doublebass normally go down to B0...

    In N3 presets the B0 is not playing !
    I suppose that is because N3 use the B0 as Keyswitch in H-Span to trigger 12A,B,C  ?

    If yes,

    it is sad do not having that precious Double bass B0 sound !

    Around the world for years now all double bass player are tuning their instrument on B, E, A, D, G...

    Sincerely N3

    Alain LeBlond

  • Hi Lubo. I had taken some of my existing scores and switched the sounds to VSL from N3. It was a problem but after a restart it's better. What can I do to make it not take so long? With N3 it was faster. Thanks. Tony

  • Hello Alain!

    You are right. Our doublebasses go down to B0 and the keyswitches for the Notion presets go up to B0. This way the B0 samples are not playable. The only way to play the B0 samples I see at the moment, is editing the doublebass preset, so that the matrix is only 11 cells wide. This way you have to go without two articulations. The combined sustain/legato patch and the sul ponticello-tremolo patch.


    Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Migot said:


    About Double bass...

    VSL doublebass normally go down to B0...

    In N3 presets the B0 is not playing !
    I suppose that is because N3 use the B0 as Keyswitch in H-Span to trigger 12A,B,C  ?

    If yes,

    it is sad do not having that precious Double bass B0 sound !

    Around the world for years now all double bass player are tuning their instrument on B, E, A, D, G...

    Sincerely N3

    Alain LeBlond

    Yes, this is indeed the case. For now you can use the workaround that Andi is suggesting below, but rest assured we'll find a way to fix it in future versions so that the note will play back for you.


    Lubo Astinov

  • Hi Anthony,

    If your score is completed, and you wont do any more work on it, you could always use the VSL optimize function, to reduce teh RAM load and thus shorten loading times.If you are still working on the score though, I'm afraid there isn't much I can suggest. Loading a lot of instruments will have to load a large portion of samplesinto RAM and thus it will take some time.

    What I would do is probably use custom Vienna Ensemble PRO presets and retain the instance. That way I could load it once for that day/session and not have to worry about it. It does take a bit more work, but we do have an excellent tutorial on how to setup a custom VE PRO on the notion site.

    Hope that helps!

    Lubo Astinov

  • Andi, Lubo,

    Thanks very much for help and your kind words...

    Sincerely N3 & VSL


  • Hi!

    I've been owning VSL SE for a couple of years but only now that I've discovered NOTION I'm really really starting to enjoy the many articulation and the quality of the library. Finnally I can really use my samples without using the annoying key switching and the scores look very good too.

    Just one question to the NOTION people: when I start a new legato phrase with the solo strings the first note is usually quite harsh. I've tried with the soft attack articulation but then I get the opposite result of a "too soft" a note. Is there a way to introduce the phrase "delicately"?



  • Nice,


    I have the same impression...

    In fact the first note of a Legato phrase is played on a Sustain patch...?

    ( my feeling is that somes software as Dp6 and Finale look ahead to change the patch before the phrase start ...not sure!)

    I did try the same with Soft Start articulation but did not get sucses...


    I would like to ear form Lubo about That !

    Alain LeBlond

  • Alain: I believe you can change the velocity of that first note if you press the "TAB" key. You will see your notes as "piano-roll" notes. Activate the note by clicking on it then press the Alt/OPT key on Mac and use the up/down arrows to change the velocity. On the PC, I believe you "right click" instead of pressing the ALT/OPT key. Velocity changes using this method change in increments of "10." If you hold the SHIFT key and ALT/OPT, you can change the velocity in increments of "1." I think this is the way it works. I have been using NOTION3 for just a week or so, but remember reading something about velocity changes in the manual. Hope this works for you all. Johann

  • Hi! Thanks a lot guys for the replies.

    I've tried to set the velocity of the first to the minimum (1) but I still get the strong attack.



  •  Cesare,

    Do have you put the ppp under the notes ???

    May be this can affect the strong attack ...

  • Hi! Yep under the note for which I've tried to change the velocity there is a pp mark.

    Do you think that's why I cannot change the velocity by hand?


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    @cesare.magri said:


    I've been owning VSL SE for a couple of years but only now that I've discovered NOTION I'm really really starting to enjoy the many articulation and the quality of the library. Finnally I can really use my samples without using the annoying key switching and the scores look very good too.

    Just one question to the NOTION people: when I start a new legato phrase with the solo strings the first note is usually quite harsh. I've tried with the soft attack articulation but then I get the opposite result of a "too soft" a note. Is there a way to introduce the phrase "delicately"?



    Hi Cesare,

    Sure there are several things yo can try, let me first explain the logic here:

    The first note of a slur is a regular sustain note for contextual reasons. If its not, and there is a note before the note with a slur, your first note under the slur will be "slurred" into. The effect is not natural, so you would either have to start the slur on the second note of the slurred group or you would have to use sequencer overlay to shorten the note before. Neither of which is a great solution, so the first note is using a sustain patch (as in real life the first note under the slur is actually attacked)

    Now here's what you can do to get the "softer" start.

    1. Your instinct of using the soft-start articulation is right-on. However if its too soft a start, you can simply go to the second cell in the matrix for that instrument, edit the cell and bring the atk slider down some.

    2. Alternatively, you may have noticed that the sustain patches are actually attacked too. This is so that they can "speak" faster in all situations. However, if you would prefer to get just the sustain with the slower start simply go to the first cell in the matrix and remove the detache patch in the second cell. This will give you a slower start on the sustain, which may end up being just enough for the slurs to work as you wish. I have the feeling this will be enough for what you want to achieve.

    3. You can of course assign a lower dynamic on the first note, but if you manually edit the velocity, then you need to turn Velocity X-fade off for that instrument, otherwise you wont hear the velocity changed. This is because all presets use Velocity X-Fade to give you the most natural sounding crescendos/dims and the velocity is effectively surrendered to CC11. I would advise you to try the first two suggestions first, before deciding to manually fiddle with the velocity.

    I hope those will help, let me know how it works out...

    Lubo Astinov

  • Lubo,

    Thanks very much for this nice explanation...

    Its giving a look on how your team tailor made VSL library for N3 and SLE.

    Sincerely N3

    Alain LeBlond

  • Thanks la lot!

    I'll try what you suggested and post the results.

    I never had as much fun making my music as since I got Notion.


  • Hi Lubo!

    I would like to know about what possibilities are there when using Notion with programs like Max/msp. I know there is rewire possibilities, one can also use iac bus to send information. But for instance, would it be possible to control features like live tempo through it? For instance, in logic one has the the environment window, where in places like click n ports one can assign ways to control tempo, fader, mixer function, map midi informations, etc.

    It would be really cool if that would be possible with notion (specially the live features and mixer)

    Also, is it possible to import sound sets that I have created for my libraries to use with sibelius? and like in sibelius, is there any way one can edit the dictionary?

    Thanks so mush
