@requiem_aeternam7 said:
no need to get defensive CM it only reeks of insecurity
i don't look at my reply as beeing defensive or reeking, it is just to put some figures into the right context.
i don't like so much to speak in terms of last or current or next generation or qualifying product A as good and product B as bad.
i agree there may be a gap between the special edition and the full strings package which (in your case) could be filled partly with the special edition PLUS' sample content - you could also extend only the strings section with the ORCHESTRA Special Edition Strings PLUS
for certain reasons there are no single instruments download products available , which again could extend the SE + SE PLUS like with the other instrument sections.
i think VSL has proven the concept is not the worst one could think of and the modular structure meets many user's needs. it would be sad if there wouldn't be some space for improvements.
I agree that the 'modular' concept model is in fact the best ever invented (whether it was invented by you guys or whomever else) because it allows us the customers the freedom to pick and choose what is right for US. However as others have pointed out perhaps if the modular concept would be expanded to allow even more specific choices for people who want certain things but not certain other things, etc, then maybe the model will be even more successful. As you can see by the responses here, which represent only a small amount of the vast sea of voices that I've heard mention this before on other forums, there are many people that would upgrade certain articulations etc if they could do so without paying huge amounts of money and having to purchase other things that they won't use, etc.