1. Ever since upgrading to Sibelius 6, the same score that I was working on in 5.25 is much slower and is showing a much higher CPU usage while using the exact same VSL template. Is anyone having the same experience? My setup is Quad core xeon 3.0, 10.4.11, and 10gb or ram. Every mouse click and action is much slower than what I was experiencing in 5.25.
2. In 5.25 I was able to use my keyswitches to change patches within the matrices when the score playback was stopped. This is useful when you want to, for example, play polyphonically to try an idea, but the last articulation triggered for the selected instrument/staff is legato. I would simply hit the keyswitch for sustain and be on my way until I hit the playback (spacebar). Now, if I use the keyswitch, it will select the correct articulation, but if I try to play any notes, it reverts to whatever articulation was last used in the playback in that voice/staff. So, I have to then click on a sustain note or rest in the score in that instrument's staff in order to have VSL switch to the sustain articulation. This is very tedious. Can someone confirm if this is normal?
Thanks for taking the time to answer these two questions that are making me wonder if I shouldn't go back to using 5.25.