We all know: Poor tuned music sounds poor. But probably many of us don't know that equal temperament is a bad tuning. Its merit is: It allows making music throgh all keys. Its evil is: All chords, espacially the major chords sound dissonant. The reason is: The thirds are detuned by about 1/7 halftone. This is audible. For everyone, not only for fine ears.
Members of this forum, having qualified experience as musician in symphony orchestras or in chamber music ensembles with string and wind instruments know that in multivoiced musi it is necessary to tune each tone slightly upwards or downwards according to its function in the actual harmonic situation. The result are tuning relations according or at least very near to just intonation. The same tuning behavior you will find at well educated singers in chamber choirs.
It is a shame that most electronic musical instruments and musical applications present only fixed tuning. It is a shame for the technology of the 21st century. When listening all the lovingly edited musical example at these VSL sites I reflect whether the editors don't hear this tuning defect - or whether they hear it and don't know what the reason is - or whether they know it, but say "there is no help!". Indeed, conventional microtuning cannot solve this problem. But there exists since some years an advanced technology, called "Hermode Tuning". I am speaking about a baby of our company, therefore it is allowed to be sceptic. Nevertheless, read, listen and judge!
Hermode Tuning is a self-correcting dynamic tuning. Its programme can be implemented into electronic musical instruments or into electronic musical applications. Hermode Tuning gets all Note-on and Note-off messages in real time and it sends back the corrected tuning values equally in real time. It holds the necessary retuning steps below audibility. In this way it imitates the tuning behavior of human musicians. Hermode Tuning works with about 60 fine tuned steps for each note (or about 7,000 steps for the complete Midi range), nevertheless the tuning result stays very tight to the default equal temperament.
BTW: The tuning corrections have to be updated at nearly every new Note on and Note off. Maybe, you do't believe that this will be possible, but believe me, it is necessary, it is possible and it works.
Hermode Tuning is a feature of the music editing programme CAPELLA with its VSL OEM library and of LOGIC. NeverthelessLOGIC user with VSL orchestra have a problem. Via LOGIC and the ESX24 sampler it is possible to control the tuning of the implemented samples but it is not possible to control the actual VSL applications. I possess the "Opus1" (thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Tucmandl), so I am able to edit musical examples with this VSL samples and control them by Hermode Tuning. The members of VSL like Hermode Tuning "in principle", but they hesitate to implement it as they don't know whether the user will recognize or honor this sound improvement.
Therefore my request: Listen and compare our musical examples, edited each on one hand with Hermode Tuning (HMT) and on the other hand with equal temperament (TMP) at our website:
www.hermode.com/html/hermode-tuning-examples en.html
Please begin with "Vom Himmel her" as this is one of the most impressive examples. Other, more subtile examples require perhals more "open ears". You know, the human ears requires 10 - 15 minutes of attentive listening. After this time you will hear much more than on the begin.
I would be very pleases if you would send back your statement. Even if your opinion is different to mine.