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  • VEPro dropouts are driving me crazy!

    I just spent a futile several hours trying to simply real-time bounce a short 90 second orchestral piece that I had created using VEPro, but no matter what I did, I couldn't prevent constant audio dropouts from occurring. I've tried everything I can think of to correct the problem so I thought I'd post here. I've experimented with using the most recent VEPro Beta from Dec/09, as well as the VEPro update from Nov/09. I've set multithreading to "8" as recommended here at some point for my early 2009 MacPro 8-core with 12 gigs of RAM, but have also experimented with setting it to 10, 12, 16, etc. I've turned multi-processors off for the Kontakt 4.03 instances I've loaded into the VEPro32 servers. I've experimented with a template that included Stylus RMX 64 running concurrently on the VEPro 64 server, but when that completely choked things (lots of static, audio droputs, etc.), I decided to eliminate the 64 bit version of VEPro Server from my setup for the time being and run Stylus from within Logic when I need it. I'm also using LASS with Kontakt 4.03, Trilian, Ivory (loaded directly into Logic 9.02), as well as some EXS24 within Logic, and am running Snow Leopard. Finally, I'm also running some sounds on a Powermac G5 also loaded into the VEPro 32 server (some old Kompakt libraries I haven't upgraded and some additional Kontakt 3 sounds), connected via gigabit ethernet to my main MacPro running Logic. The frustration is that things are SO seemingly tantalizing close to actually working that I keep trying to solve the problem, only to be disappointed once more when the dropouts re-occur. I would appreciate ANY advice as to things I can try as I'm out of ideas. - robjohn99 --- main computer: early 2009 MacPro, 12 gigs Ram, Snow Leopard 10.6.2, Logic 9.02, VePro 32 bit server (latest beta) with: Kontakt 4.03 (LASS, various other sounds), Trilian; also Powermac G5 running Leopard and VEPro server with a Kompakt library plus Kontakt 3.5 instances; on main computer, Logic is also running Ivory internally and some EXS sounds, etc.

  • Do the dropouts also occur when you have no instances of Kontakt/Kompakt in the VE Pro server?

  • Are you keeping an eye out in Activity Monitor as to how much VM the 32 bit server and Logic are using so that you are not too much above 3.3 GB in either?

  • It's an excellent question but yet, I am indeed doing so. Neither gets above 2.1 gigs or so at the most of VM. It DID occur to me, though, that I should try re-arranging which (particularly Kontakt 4) items I host in VEPro and which Kontakt 4 items I put back directly into Logic such that the balance between Logic's VM and VEPro's VM is better (ie. so they're both as much below 2.1 gigs as possible). I'm working on this now and will let you know what happens. As far as whether the dropouts occur without K4 loaded into VEPro - I haven't tried this yet as the majority of my plug-ins inserted into VEpro WERE Kontakt 4 (ie. without them there wouldn't be any tracks to play to test out, etc...)...I suspect that the answer would be that the dropouts WOULDN'T occur, as it feels like some sort of "system being overly taxed" issue overall and eliminating the memory-hogging K4 instances in VEPro would presumably reduce the strain (though the strain is also confusing since Logic's internal buffer is already set just to 1024; each VEPro instance's buffer is set to "2 buffers", and my computer is a recent-vintage early 2009 MacPRo with 12 gigs RAM, etc...) One question: is the total VEpro 32 bit VM number include my external G5 computer? Or can it additionally have it's own 2.6 gig-ish VM space even though it's technically part of the same VEPro 32 bit server being fed into Logic 9 on my main MacPro computer? Best! - robjohn99

  • I've gotten things stable now, but only by essentially reverting back to using Kontakt 4 WITHIN Logic and using VEPro minimally (which is quite disappointing). So far the Kompakt/Kontakt 3.5 instances loaded on my Mac G5 via the VEPRo server as well as several instance of EZ Drummer on my main MacPro and 1 instance of Trilian on my MacPro's Vepro work fine with no glitches. I've, however, currently eliminated Stylus RMX 64 bit from my VEPro lineup and (again), Kontakt 4 via VEPro on my main MacPro since I was (as previously stated) getting massive dropouts and other problems. I'd still appreciate any info on what could have gone wrong previously and whether there might be a time when I could go back to using (mostly) all-VE Pro for my plugins. Best! robjohn99 MacPro (early 2009), 12 gigs Ram, Kontakt 4.03, Logic 9.02, VEPro (most recent beta), also Powermac G5 (Leopard)

  • Do you suffer from these problems when offline-bouncing? I've changed my whole workflow to have my host sequencer offline-bounce everything instead of printing audio bounces live in real-time. This has solved all of my real-time related performance issues because it simply rules them out. If your workflow is such that you cannot do this, then I'm not sure what advice to offer. I spent a lot of time trying to tweak systems and software and never had things 100% stable when working in realtime.