Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • Please make it possible....

    Hi, My dream config: G5 dual 2x2G Master With DP7.02 and....X.4.11 Master. Macpro Quadcore Intel 2x3G with VE Pro and VIs....X.5.8 Slave. Tiger on my G5 and Leopard ont the slave. Please make it possible. a Future Fan

  • Hello p.pan,

    VE PRO will not be available on Tiger, sorry.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks Paul for your reply. And sorry for my answer delay. Now I need to know If I install X.5.8 on my G5 dual 2x2G, DP7 is stable???

  • Hi,

    I´m not a DP specialist - but hopefully a fellow user will jump in here to give you some reassurance!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL