hello is there a way to get Notion3 with their vsl presets to run with VSL MIR ?
Notion3 and VSL MIR
Hello Ralf!
Yes, that is indeed possible, but there is some preparation work to do first.
Here is what you will have to do.1) Copy the file \Notion 3\Support\PluginData\VSL\Rules\VSL_Instruments.prules and rename the copy to VSL_Instruments_MIDI-Out.prules
2) Open the file VSL_Instruments_MIDI-Out.prules with a text editor.
3) Change the entry <plugin id="1448299603"> to <midi-out id=”A”> and the entry </plugin> at the end of the file to </midi-out>.
4) Restart your computer
5) Open Notion and all VSL instruments, that you want to use.
6) Save all VI presets, that you want to use with MIR to your VSL Custom Data folder.
7) Close this Notion project and start a new one.
8) Create External MIDI instruments
9) In the Notion Preferences set a MIDI Loopback device as MIDI Output Port A
10) In MIR load the VI presets, you have saved earlier.Voilà. The automatic keyswitches still work.
Vienna Symphonic Library -
thx for the reply.
i have many templates and to redo everyone again, and change the templates for every single instrument... and then in cubase i have xpression maps then ill have to reload the whole mir...
thats a nogo for notion for me.
wieso gehen die leuts immer davon aus das man nur eine software benutzt... und nur deren presets... ihr habt presets gemacht mit allen artikulationen und die funktionieren bei sibelius... finale... cubase und co.
geld für notion war wohl für die katz.
aber vielen dank andreas :)
i ment such things if i use notion and then ill have to use for some reasons cubase with their expression maps for example. these presets are not compatible together. do you know what i mean ?
couse the reload time of MIR to switch over.
i see.
i think ill have to write my own notiation sequenzer which does work like i want to have it to work ;)
hmm i think i have found a kinda usefull way..
i tried the correction on the file and to creat a midi and loopback and so on. first i thought it worked, but it doesn´t... could the problem relies on that i use windows 7 and notion ?
i did everything like you discribed. even the restart
the articulation switch does not work. i put into some notes and tried staccti and some other things. but the vienna player in mir dont change the articulations.
done :1) Copy the file \Notion 3\Support\PluginData\VSL\Rules\VSL_Instruments.prules and rename the copy to VSL_Instruments_MIDI-Out.prules
done : 2) Open the file VSL_Instruments_MIDI-Out.prules with a text editor.
done: 3) Change the entry <plugin id="1448299603"> to <midi-out id=”A”> and the entry </plugin> at the end of the file to </midi-out>.
done: 4) Restart your computer
done: 5) Open Notion and all VSL instruments, that you want to use.
done: 6) Save all VI presets, that you want to use with MIR to your VSL Custom Data folder.
done: 7) Close this Notion project and start a new one.-------------
done( i created one but how does Notions know wich soundsets it has to use ? ) 8) Create External MIDI instruments-------------
done 9) In the Notion Preferences set a MIDI Loopback device as MIDI Output Port A
done 10) In MIR load the VI presets, you have saved earlier.maybe we forgot something to do ?
OK, so you have loaded the Notion VI presets in MIR and the communication between Notion and MIR over the MIDI loopback device works (notes are played). The only thing that doesn't work is the articulation switches. Is that right?
I have been wondering myself how Notion knows which rules to take for switching, if it doesn't know which instrument is controlled over the external MIDI connection. As most of their VI presets are constructed the same way, I guess it shouldn't make that much difference. ;-)
I tried it with violin ensemble and staccato, sus and legato articulations. That worked. Unfortunately I can't make any more tests until December 30th, when I'm back in the office.
Vienna Symphonic Library -
Hello Ralf!
I tried it again today with two instruments (Orchestral Violins and Flute 1) and 5 articulations (sus, staccato, legato, trills, pizz) and everything worked fine. The switch to the staccato articulation and back is very quick, so it can't be seen, but it can be heard.
Does any articulation change work on your machine? It seems to me, that you have done everything right.
Vienna Symphonic Library -
Hello Alain!
Vienna Ensemble Pro 5 and MIR Pro are also available for Mac OS X. Details about these products can be found here:
http://www.vsl.co.at/en/211/497/1687/2002/1691.htmFor details on how to use VE Pro with Notion, I recommend checking out the tutorial videos on the Notion homepage:
http://www.notionmusic.com/support/tutorials.htmlBest regards,
Vienna Symphonic Library -
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