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  • [Answered] Play crashes Logic when VE Pro in session

    Hello all, I have a few VE Pros in my Logic, when I added an EW Play to my Logic session as a AU plug it crashes Logic upon closing the Play browser window. - This only happens when there's a VE Pro plug in the session (even though Play isn't running in VE Pro). In the Logic crash message it says that is may have been caused by the "QtGui" plug (I don't even know what that is?) hmm, so I've got everything going great with VE Pro, but I can't use anything in Play..... (I did e-mail vsl support just now, so sorry for the doubling up). Any help much appreciated. -A OSX 10.5.8 8Core L8.02 VE4657 Play 1.2.5

  • I had the same problem,same error,same system amigo. 2x2.8 GHZ quad core intel ,14 gig ram,OS 10.5.8, logic 8.02, play 1.2.5.VE pro 4.0.4657  

    good news...I setup a new logic template but first setup play in my template and then introduced vepro and it fixed the problem. I have 3 ve pros loaded up and multiple play instruments now all working together on a single mac. note..the play plugs are in logic not VEPRO.

    I have held back updating to logic 9 and snow leopard.  play and vsl work on Logic 8  and 10.5.8 .suprised I could load up 10 gig of samples in 64bit mode in leopard 10.5.8. Love the preserve function. Don't have any non vsl au plugs available in 64bit server mode on VEPro though.Logic hosts the rest of my plugs.

     One thing ...experiencing audio clicks when triggering vepro instruments.The clicks are not loud but noticeable enough.Doesn't click on one of the vepro instances that is set up for instruments in logic do not click including QL piano. The vsl celeste and wood winds seems to click the most . 2 threads set for each instance.cpu is only at around 10% when idle on the activity monitor and have 3 gig of ram to spare so the system aint pushed .logic core audio i/o buffer set to 1024 samples.built-in digital output goes to my protools system /G5 for monitoring hmmm

  • I have the same problem

  • This is an issue known to PLAY developers. They have solved it and it will be fixed in the next version of PLAY, however I have found a possable workaround.

    Find the preference file that referes to 'east west play' in yous OS hard drive / Users / [your user name] / library / preferences.

    Delete this file, restart Logic and PLAY.....

    This worked for me, but do it at your own risk... I'm not a programmer or a developer, I was just desparate for a soloution so I started experimenting in a test partition.

    Stuart Fox

  • Hi stuartfox

    it doesen't work (for me), i've trashed the Play's prefz but if Logic is connected to VE PRO and i try to instanciate Play , Logic crash.

    Hope for a fix at soon.


  • Did you trash all of plays prefs / in the user dir and the main library dir...

    also I don't know about logic but I rescanned all plugins... (trashed DP's prefs).

    As I said EWQL have already fixed the problem - and they are working on a pre-release beta now so a full update won't be too far away - I agree it is very frustrating though.

  • Stuart, do you know if the upcoming PLAY update fixes the compatibility issue with VEP?  Or just this one specific issue?

    I sure hope it fixes the memory handling problems with Logic 9 as well, the latest doesn't use any memory outside Logic at all.

  • I run my Play instances standalone outside of Logic using IAC for MIDI, and Jack for audio routing back to Logic. Keeps everyone "playing nice" together, and keeps Play from using up memory in Logic. Everything else runs well hosted in VEP. My current template has Logic 9 using almost no memory. It's awesome. Sessions are snappy, and load up in a blink. External hosting is the way to go. Loving VEP.

  • Similarly, I am running Play in Plogue Bidule, using the ADAT loopback capabilities of my RME HDSPe-AIO card, and the the Bidule MIDI alongside VE Pro coming into Logic 9. The only fly in the ointment is on screen management. Vienna guys, we really need a Tile Windows command or the ability to see multiple instances in a single mixer.

  • Hi folks,

    we are aware of this issue and it is presently being investigated by our development team. We hope to find a solution to this problem as soon as possible.

    When using Play and VE Pro within the same project in DP or Logic (besides all other suggestions in this thread) I´d suggest to insert Play first, it should run stable then.



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    @Maya said:

     I´d suggest to insert Play first, it should run stable then.

    This sometimes works and sometimes doesn't - just like trashing the prefs worked once for me but didn't work for others - its odd! I've tested this across 3 instalations on my mac pro to try and troubleshoot / iron out this and some other issues and it makes very little sense.

    I would hope with the next play / VE Pro updates all will be well, although I can't help but wonder weather EWQL are doing this on purpose. After all, even though a lot of us value and use both products, they are commercial competitors.

  • Running Play and the VE Pro Server Interface plugin in the same master host works in the latest version. Loading Play inside a VE Pro instance (be it server or standalone) is currently unsupported though.

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    @Karel said:

    Running Play and the VE Pro Server Interface plugin in the same master host works in the latest version. Loading Play inside a VE Pro instance (be it server or standalone) is currently unsupported though.

    Any movement on fixing this?


  • This has literally been fixed for years :)

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    @Karel said:

    This has literally been fixed for years 😊

    I am running the most current version of Play in VE Pro 5 on a stand along Mac Pro and VE Pro 5 crashes everytime I quit a DP project. I have basically the same setup on another Mac Pro without Play and it never crashes.


  • Play worked fine with VEP for a while - then after a play update mid last year some instabiliteis appeared including VEP crashing on exit when play had been loaded.

    This, and many other things have been fixed VEP5 build 10068 released a few days ago... Have you tried this version yet?


  •  Karel,

    I've been trying QL S.Choirs for a few days within one of my VEP5 orchestral templates. Play works fine in VEP5 standalone. The problem is when I use VEP5 as a plug-in in Finale 2012, Play (SC) being an instrument on Ch. 1.

    All server connections look fine, the template without Play works flawlessly. But once I added Play, I now get no MIDI activity on VEP5 from Finale playback. Even when I go to Finale's ScoreMaganer and switch channels so that VSL Violins are on Ch.1, there is no MIDI activity on VEP5 either. It is as if something within Play was messing up with the connectivity set-up on VEP5.

    I'd be curious if somebody could try to replicate this.


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    @stuartfox said:

    Play worked fine with VEP for a while - then after a play update mid last year some instabiliteis appeared including VEP crashing on exit when play had been loaded.

    This, and many other things have been fixed VEP5 build 10068 released a few days ago... Have you tried this version yet?


    Thanks Stuart.

    Just did the upgrade with the same results. Play is still crasing VE Pro 5 in stand alone mode on a Mac Pro running Snow Leopard.



  • I think you have a system specific issue.