Hi Christian,
I am aware of it. At least this black magic was obvious while trying to use more than one Port with the performence demo tool. Otherwise, with a specific environment, I could get to work two legato instruments on the same Port without apparent problem. So it seems that I could get 16 performence instruments to work at the same time. This is of course the results I got with the really limited performence tool and incomplete legato instruments of the demo. So things may be indeed not be so useable even on a single port basis. That's to see.
And in the worst case, I could "Bounce" one legato instrument at a time as that should not be a problem at all (or even trying keyswitching manually). This should be OK for the moment as I don't have a lot of big orchestration work to do. This may change after getting the Opus of course [;)]... But then, if I can afford a mac laptop I will be ready to use the Opus on it.
Also, looking at using gigasampler with logic, as far as I did understoud, I would have to render each giga legato instrument into a wave file and import these waves files into logic for finalising my mix?
I mean, there is no way to do a direct Bounce from Logic without rendering first waves files from giga. So this would be as much work than to Bounce one legato instrument at a time in Logic. Or I am missing something here ?
Otherswise, with the exs24 opus on PC, apart form midi-routing problem, is there anything else that would not work or be problematic on logic 5.5 that I should be aware of ?