I'm going to be purchasing a Mac 8 Core within the month and wanted to see if there was any issues with the 8 Core, VEPro, DP7 and most importantly, Snow Leopard. I'm using VSL and now LASS so I'll be posting the same question on the MOTUNATION and AUDIOBRO.com support forum - trying to fend off any issues before I change everything over. If I need to stick with Leopard for now I can do re-install before I transfer everything over. Right now, I'm on a Mac G5 PPC Dual 2 gig, Leopard, DP7, VSL, LASS & VEPRO and everything is working fine (other than the G5 choking). I'm also using 6 Mac Minis as farms.
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Mac 8 Core, VEPro, DP7, VSL, LASS & Snow Leopard....any known issues?