Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • VI not loading

    Hello all, After making it through the install and authorization hurdles i've encountered another issue with VI. It won't open in standalone, and doesn't appear in Nuendo's VST list. If I try to run the standalone version the VI icon bounces endlessly on the dock. The first time I loaded N4 after installing VI Special Edition it crashed when it tried to initialize Vienna Instruments. Now it skips over initializing VI at all. Help!

  • I'm not a Nuendo guy, but I had the same problem with the stand alone. I opened it directly in applications and it seemed to open ok. I also dragged my library into the manager. Seems to work, but haven't tried the dock since so don't know whether it is any better M

  • Glad i'm not alone on this one. I'm sure that if any cubase users have had this problem the fix is similar to Nuendo. Any advice from the gurus here? I bought this days ago and it's a real drag not being able to use it.