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  • VE Pro: Load Plugin Data??? How does it work?

    The scenario:

    I create 1  instance using the "add" button in the server window. I load 1 sound (flute). then i start logic and connect to this instance. i save the logic project (a) without having touched the "unpreserve button" (so the instance is preseved). close project (a) and open a new logic project (b). connecting to the same (preserved) instance (flute) - make no changes there. again, saving project (b) without touching the "unpreserve button". reopen project a: now the "load plugin data" arrow is highlighted (why??). now i can load the data again (which would only be the untouched flute) or i can discard the plugin data, resulting in the same thing: the flute. I thought that the arrow would only pop up if some things changed?!

    However, if I do change - let's say - only panning on that flute to the left in VEPro and save it with logic project (b), then open project a again, the arrow will pop up. Now I want to load plugin data (because in project a the panning should be in the center - thats how i saved project a), but the only thing that gets loaded is the flute sound - the panning stays on the left side!!!

    BUT: When i restart everything (logic and VE Pro), project a opens with the center pan (the way i saved project a). shutting down both apps. restart again. project b opens with left side pan ( the way i saved project b).

    I really don't understand this behavior! Am I missing something? 

    Mac Pro 2 x 2,93 GHz, 16 GB RAM

    OS 10.6.1

    Logic 9.0.1

  • Is no one having troubles with this?

    Any help would be much appreciated!


  • I see this issue as well.   Waiting for VSL's input.   I am sure it is something simple that we are doing.   let's see.


  • Rob, thanks for confirming this

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    @Rob Elliott said:

    I see this issue as well.   Waiting for VSL's input.   I am sure it is something simple that we are doing.   let's see.



    What issue? All I see is a really cack-handed way of going about things, with no logic behind it at all.  [;)]


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    @DG said:

    What issue? All I see is a really cack-handed way of going about things, with no logic behind it at all. 


    Hehe! [:)]

    So how do you handle this, if I may ask?


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    @DG said:

    What issue? All I see is a really cack-handed way of going about things, with no logic behind it at all. 



    So how do you handle this, if I may ask?



    Well, it seems that you are making changes in Logic and then expecting a Preserved instance to know what you have done and for which project. Please remember that a Preserved instance remains the same, no matter what you changed the last time you opened the project. You either work with a template, or you don't. AFAIK the "Load plugin data" is there for just the situation when you have changed things, but not Preserved your changes; just saved them in the Logic file.

    If you can be more specific about the exact nature of your preferred workflow, then I might be able to give you some hints as to the best method of achieving this.

    With my setup i use a template, so it's just lock and load for me. No faffing around. However, this might not suit you.


  • Well, the way I'd like it to be is that you'd work with the exact same VE Pro template for - let's say - 3 Logic projects (like with bidule), then make some changes in the 4th project (for example: add one instrument (in VE Pro), adjust some of the power pan settings (in VE Pro)). Then, if you'd go back to project 3, VE Pro would tell me that there were some changes. I then would be able to choose, if I either wanted to leave everything as it is at the moment or to reset the pannings and unload the one instrument i loaded for project 4 (without loading the whole thing again).

    But i think that's only me and apparently that's not the way it is supposed to work...

    Thanks DG!

  • The thing is that if your instances are Preserved, then in a way they are disconnect from the project. How is VE to know that you made changes?

    I think that you should save your normal template, Preserve it, and then when you make changes, make sure that you leave a message in the project telling you which instances to load data from. Then when you open this changed project click the load data buttons and the changes will be loaded according to what you saved in Logic.

    What I do, is leave VE Pro well alone with the template set up, and then add instruments to another local instance on a project by project basis. That way the Preserved instances stay as they are, and all the new stuff gets loaded by project. Of course I don't change pannings and stuff in VE, as I do all that in Nuendo.


  • I can see that. And I'm gonna work exactly the way you described, because this is the only way so far. BUT: VE somehow does know (even with preserved instances) what changes i made in each project. But these changes only get loaded properly after shutting everything down. So actually, I never have to worry that my settings get messed up the next day. If - today - my last project I'm working on would be project 3, then tomorrow project 2 would open the way it should (even with a lot of changes to the template or to the settings in project 3...) You see what I mean? wouldn't it be nice, if VE Pro would also show this kind of behaviour during the day (up and running)?

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    @fs_18397 said:

    I can see that. And I'm gonna work exactly the way you described, because this is the only way so far. BUT: VE somehow does know (even with preserved instances) what changes i made in each project. But these changes only get loaded properly after shutting everything down. So actually, I never have to worry that my settings get messed up the next day. If - today - my last project I'm working on would be project 3, then tomorrow project 2 would open the way it should (even with a lot of changes to the template or to the settings in project 3...) You see what I mean? wouldn't it be nice, if VE Pro would also show this kind of behaviour during the day (up and running)?


    If you always load your projects directly, without loading a Metaframe first, they will always load up the way you saved them, because you are getting the instructions from your Logic project. It's not VE knowing anything, it's Logic loading the instances you saved.


  • Good explanation DG on workflow.

    I am going 'move over' to Nuendo master computer -  panning and vienna suite plugs - those seem to be really the only thing I ever change from project to project.  Love the concept of a Master templates(s) (on main and slaves) - and then any added vsti's (apart from what is on the template(s) can be captured in Nuendo.