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  • Instruments frequency table

    Heya all,

    I would like to know if someone know where i could find a nice instruments frequency table with all orchestral instruments with the basic and harmonic frequency. I am learning the way to use as best as possible the EQ and master EQ on vienna suite ^.^

    Thanks by advance ^.^

    PS Maybe jay could answer and give me any advice since he is an EQ-phobic person :P

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    Hi Gilles,

    There was a recent related discussion of this on the vi-control forum. Please see the link for a chart and discussion of EQing. Personally, I thought what re-peat had to say made a lot of sense.

    -Brian [:)]

  • Hi Gilles,

    you might be interested in our famous Range Poster: -> [URL][/URL]

    For more details,  the interactive Vienna Academy might be what you're looking for. Find it on the top right of this site's main navigation bar, or click here: -> [URL][/URL]


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Heya and thanks for the answer ^.^

    Dietz i already have the poster and also checked 1st in vienna accademy but didn't find exactly what i wanted but i found other stuff interesting who can help though.

    After read what you gived me Brian, i understand its more complicated than what i though at start. For what i have read chose what i am going to do is more about wich notes the instruments playing and what of part of this instrument i want let pass. Also for the EQ of the main mix or instrument group will be more for let all instrument got their place w/out going on other instruments. I understand good but the practice seem be more hard to undertand when in front of the EQ lol

    An exemple, the music i am working on now is the batle in the ice from prokofiev ( music i have in orchestral sheet so helping for can work on make sound my VSL as realistic as possible ) i think not all instrument really need a big corection on that music but more about the instrument like violin/piccolo/flutes/trumpet who play a lot on the highter register making sound really not realistic. The question i am thinking is should i just weaken the frenquency of the highter note played and make it balanced with other frenquency making them up a bit or should i just balance the highter a bit ( normaly hight note sound louder than low and medium )?

    Now i understand why jay is an EQ-phonic person and i start thinking i going to be one aswell lol

    Hope maybe some can give some idea about how to see it easier on practice ^.^


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    Hi Gilles,

    maybe the Analyzer you find in the Vienna Suite will help you to pinpoint different frequencies and their effect in the mix. In combination with the EQ presets this will be a great tool to learn more [:)]

    Find the Video Tutorials here. And of course you should download the free Demo of Vienna Suite to check it out yourself!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Heya Paul,

    Thanks to have take the time to answer and i already got the vienna suite but forgot about the analizer [:^)]

    But i will try it out and see what i will learn out of it ^.^

    A question i keep have in my head is it is better to use the diferent EQ and others plugins for each instruments on my VE2 or directly in the logic track or it doesn't matter?

    Gilles ^.^

  • Hi Gilles,

    it depends on your preferences - you can automate your plug-ins in your sequencer, that is definitely one plus for this option.

    Then again it´s very comfortable to have all your orchestral setup in VE 2.

    I´d simply pick the option that feels most natural to you- and then exeriment!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Heya Paul,

    Thanks again for your answer ^.^ i will try out both and see what i prefer ^.^
