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  • VE Pro separate mixer channels to Logic 9

    Hi..  1..Can I send VE instruments from a slave G5 to separate mixer channels within Logic 9 enabling separate plug ins on the instruments coming into Logic?

    2. My host is an Intel G5 and the two slaves are pre Intel G5s. Is it right that Vienna Suite 1.1 will work totally,( including the reverb) on the Intel machine (snow Leopard) and that  all other plug ins but NOT the reverb will work on the pre Intel machines as they are not 64 bit?

    Thanks in advance .

  • 1.  Yes.

    2.  I have no idee so you will have to wait for someone else to answer that.


  • Well I must have something wrong in Logic then because whatever output e.g. Net3/net4 I set in  goes straight from the master channel in Logic to output 1,2, and nothing goes to the the aux tracks? Oh for the days of analogue mixing desks!

  • They explain in perfect detail every single step one by one on page 21 of the manual.  if you follow each step it will work.


  • My hunch is that you're creating AUX tracks in Logic by saying NEW, TRACK, AUX.  Instead of as the manual says which is to go to the master channel and use the + sign to add AUX channels.


  • You can create the auxes either way - by using the + sign in that mixer at the bottom of the Arrange window (you know, the one that appears when you hit the x key - the one that I never use) or by creating them in the Environment. If you do the former they're created in the Environment automatically. The + sign only appears when you insert a multi-output instrument on a track, by the way.

    As an additional aside, the thing that's so great about the Environment is that you can create your own custom mixer to reflect your entire studio; the one that's automatically created - FKA "adaptive mixer" - only gives you channels in your Arrange window. I prefer to unlock the two so that creating Environment objects doesn't automatically create tracks; then I assign existing objects in my template to tracks by command-clicking on them. All that's set up in a screenset, of course.

  • Also, you have to:

    1. assign the outputs inside the V.I. itself;

    2. set those outputs as inputs to VE P Audio Input channels;

    3. set the outputs of those VE P channels to [NETx, etc.];

    4. insert a *multi-output* VE Pro plug-in in Logic on a multi-timbral SI track (i.e. it creates a track for each MIDI channel of the Instrument);

    5. create the auxes in Logic and assign the Net outputs as their inputs.

    Make sure you don't check "ascending outputs" when you create the multitimbral software instrument (under Track->New...). That will give you e.g. Instrument 1, Instrument 2, etc.; what you want is Instrument 1 MIDI channel 1, Inst 1 ch 2, etc. If you've done it right, the VE Pro plug-in will appear on all the tracks' channel strips so it looks like you've inserted a plug-in on each one.

    But of course you haven't - they're all the same one.

  •  Hi Nick and thanks for that. I still find the Logic mixer a bit quirky but all is working and Omnisphere etc will now work in VI Pro with no audio interface in the slave computers. So is there any conceivable reason to keep the MOTU 2408's on my slaves now?

  • I got rid of the sound cards on my slaves a couple of months ago, after I saw that Audioport Pro (Audio Impressions' audio-over-ethernet program) is working well. VE Pro is for Mac and PC (vs. PC->Mac only), it's a more elegant-looking program, it's more efficient on the host (or at least it can operate with a smaller buffer), it's 64-bit compatible, it has MIDI as well as audio...but before burning bridges I'd personally wait a few days for the version that addresses the "only one MIDI port per instance in Logic" show-stopper.

    And as I posted, you might want to check out the customizable Logic mixer in the Environment. It's not especially quirky, and it's really flexible. You can move the channel strips wherever you want them and then set up screensets to scroll to separate sections if it's too big to fit on your screen (I have a 30" monitor and with all the audio instruments it still takes up about 60").

  • Thanks for all of that .I agree,VE Pro is a really elegant solution and now I know what I'm doing setting up the new templates in Logic is a breeze.  

  • Though my multi instruments appear ok in the Logic mixer and separate volume sliders work independently I note that with automation changing a volume changes the whole 16 channels of the multi instrument. How do I cure this? Thanks in advance

  • Logic is a brilliant program, but it still has some weird things like this.

    The answer is that the separate outputs of a multitimbral instrument appear as inputs to Aux channel strips that you must create, and then you can adjust those independently. You can either go into the Environment and create them, or the more direct way in the main Arrange window is to hit the x key to open the mixer in the bottom third of the screen, and then at the lower right of the Instrument's channel strip there's a little +; each time you click it you'll create another Aux.