it happens here as well, been using the Vst3 version too.
Whenever i load up a cubase project, nothing is loaded in VEPRO (well the default template is loaded) and i get a arrow going on for about a minute, but furthermore...the arrow dissapears after a little while, so if im not paying attention or step away from the computer while its loading, nothing gets loaded up with the cubase project, so now i cant even launch a project and go do something else, i have to sit there and press these arrows? If i dont, then i have to reload the cubase project and hit the arrows.
I dont get it...keeping the contents loaded\preserved only really makes sense if you never ever adjust anything inside vepro?
Id like to keep the same template open when possible, but...theres a big chance i will adjust some paramter in one or more of the VSTI`s...and how will i know later..if i did or not, i have to take notes i guess (!)..of which project uses the default template settings or not?
Or always reload the plugin data, so im sure everything plays back correctly? ( by pushing the arrow button every time?)
OR make a habit of never ever adjusting anything in any vst instrument, lol...which doesnt seem very practical..
Hm, maybe im missing somethin ( i usually am) but that seems rather...unpractical.?
But anyway i love VEPRO tho...i really do, i guess there are some adjustements that has to be made from my side for it to work the way it was intended :D