I am the original poster of this thread, and I wish I could report that everything is running smoothly for me, but two slight problems remain. (I'm on OS 10.5.8 running PT 8.0.1 on a 2X2.66 Quad Mac Pro).
LASS seems fine now. For the Trumpet and Mr. Sax T I've noticed that cc11 breaks very frequently. The other scripts seem to work. Sometimes I can reload the instrument or press "reset" on the Sax GUI and it fixes it. Other times it doesn't. Last night I ended up taking the Sax out of VE Pro and putting the Sax directly into ProTools.
Also, in two projects now, toward the end of the projects (say in the last 20% of the song) I'm getting crackles when the Trumpets play. They are intermittent and inconsistent, but I have to bounce to audio files a few times until I can get it clean. Odd that the crackling only occurs at the end of the piece, even if the Trumpet is playing at the beginning.