As you know, XP64 is not a supported platform for VE PRO. We are mainly working with Win7 here, it´s a great OS.
It could well be that your troubles are OS-related.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support
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You may be right Paul, however at least one of my problems (the crashing of the 32-bit server upon loading a cubase project) appeared only in the latest build so may not be entirely XP64 related. Karel said he could not get VEP32 to crash following my repro, but perhaps he wasn't testing in XP64?
W7 isn't released for another week, and many musicians using PCs have leapfrogged Vista for many well documented reasons, so W7 isn't a realistic option right now. Soon though!
I have 4.0.4536 installed on all machines. slaves run on OS 10.6.1; master runs 10.5.8. Kontakt is version 3.5.025.
It's seems to be an intermittend bug. It remember it to happen like this: fresh reboot of all MAcs - load template, things run fine for a while; closed Logic project - opened same template - some Kontakt channels won't play any more. I did try it with a new Logic project to rule out an error in my template, but encountered the same problem (but the bug might have already been in the system by then). And I think it happened when I left the VE PROs connected.
I'll try to determine the steps to reproduce it as soon as my schedule permits.
Hi Maya.
I'm using the latest version of VE-Pro (4536) on all computers. My two slaves are OS10.6.1, my main DAW is OS10.5.8 and the Kontakt version is
The small template (5 Kontakt tracks and 3 Omnisphere) that I emailed you as an example of the midi tracks not working is still problematic. Even when setting it up I wasn't able to trigger the last two Omnisphere tracks 7 & 8 and have reloaded it numerous times to no avail. I've tried taking the second slave (unused in this example) out of the network but it doesn't make any difference unfortunately.
My ethernet hub is a 5 port 10/100 mbps switch. Not sure if this is relevant...
Edit: Just bypassed the hub altogether and plugged the MacPro directly into the MacBook Pro. Still the same problem, so I guess the 5 port switch isn't at fault.
Incidentally I've just tried to create a new template omitting Kontakt altogether. Only using Omnisphere, when I reached the fourth midi track the 'no sound but obvious triggering' problem occured.
This obviously indicates that the problem doesn't actually lie with Kontakt at all.
OK. Getting somewhere now.
I took my main MacPro out of the equation and used one of my MacBook Pro slaves as the DAW and the other as its slave. I then loaded up numerous Kontakt midi tracks and they all worked fine.
I guess that this means that the problem is probably at the MacPro end of the chain. Obviously this still needs to be my main DAW, so until a fix can be found (wherever the fault lies) VE-Pro is sadly unusable for me.
@Nick Harvey said:
Incidentally I've just tried to create a new template omitting Kontakt altogether. Only using Omnisphere, when I reached the fourth midi track the 'no sound but obvious triggering' problem occured.
This obviously indicates that the problem doesn't actually lie with Kontakt at all.
As posted here: http://community.vsl.co.at/forums/t/23126.aspx
Also having troubles with LASS
We need a fix for this as soon as possible...
Mac Pro 2 x 2,93 GHz, 16 GB RAM
OS 10.6.1
Logic 9.0.2
Thanks for the link to the other thread. Yep, that's what's happening my end too.
Sorry to hear you're having problems, but glad that Wolfsterik and I aren't the only ones encountering these issues.
I'm happy to stand corrected on this point but as I understand it, Steinberg has Cubase send out a 44.1kHz 'ping' upon startup (why???), which if you're working at 48kHz is confusing for Kontakt (which is already open in VEP) which interprets this as a sample rate change. If you just click OK on the message all will be well.
For what it's worth, LASS and The Trumpet are mostly behaing here, but I'm still on v4686!
Hi Brett
Does rolling back to v46868 solve the problem of:
>Messed up scripting in LASS (awful hung notes etc on Legato specifically) after reloading a saved project with decoupled Ensemble connecting to loaded meta frame containg Kontakt 3/LASS.
It would be really, really good to save a Cubase 5 project and not have to worry about disconnecting from the meta frame/perserved instance every time to avoid corrupting the LASS banks/instruments.
Surely there must be a fix for this!?.