I'm also experiencing the same issues using Kontakt, LASS and DP7.
@MS said:
The bug you are experiencing will only occur at non-44.1k samplerates, and is related to Kontakt not being able to change samplerates on-the-fly. I have made a workaround for this, which fixes the problems with LASS and TheTrumpet. This will be included with the next update.
Great, GREAT news, Martin! Thank you for being so diligent and "on top" of this! You all have created an amazing software and I personally would like to say thank you for everything that you are doing.
I personally really appreciate it...it's guys like you that enable me to send my kids to private school!
Thanks again, Martin
@MS said:
The bug you are experiencing will only occur at non-44.1k samplerates, and is related to Kontakt not being able to change samplerates on-the-fly. I have made a workaround for this, which fixes the problems with LASS and TheTrumpet. This will be included with the next update.
Great, GREAT news, Martin! Thank you for being so diligent and "on top" of this! You all have created an amazing software and I personally would like to say thank you for everything that you are doing.
I personally really appreciate it...it's guys like you that enable me to send my kids to private school!
Thanks again, Martin
that's awesome, thanks! I have two questions as I am tweaking my setup for reliability:
Will your workaround work for all 48kHz Kontakt libraries or only for LASS and The trumpet?
I use both and many other 44kHz Kontakt libraries. I suppose if I switch my projects to 48kHz, I would potentially experience the Kontakt bug with the 44kHz libraries instead? Is this correct?
thanks, Martin, sounds excellent.
However, I just made a test: restarted everything from scratch (new Logic song, new VE Pro performance; shut down + started Macs; set sample rate to 48kHz in Logic and my audio interface (Fireface 400) and on the slave Mac just to make sure. loaded LASS in a new performance and I got even more hanging notes and notes not playing than before. Does this make sense?
@john_1332 said:
Using the new Vienna Ensemble Pro on a Mac Pro Quad 2x2.66, in ProTools 8.0.1, OS 10.5.8.
I'll make a Kontakt 3 instance, load a LASS patch and play for a while. If I close the session then opening it again, I get soft hanging notes and lots of irregularities. The same happens with SampleModeling The Trumpet, but much more dramatically (everything out of tune).
I can fix it by reloading the instrument. I thought just rebooting the Kontakt engine might do it, but it doesn't.
I'm also experiencing the above issue john_1332 described, in my case on XP64. On project load the legato LASS patches don't load properly, as if the scripts are somehow broken, but loading them afresh into kontakt fixes this (until the next time the project is closed and re-opened).
So just to clarify Martin, the above issue is the one that you've addressed caused by the Kontakt sample rate issue? I only ask because my problem isn't the one the grenular described having and I wasn't sure which issue you have fixed and incorporated into the next update.
Thanks - Brett
Hi Martin.
I just upgraded to build 4536 and this issue is not fixed for me. Just to clarify, the issue is that on XP64 in Cubase 4, upon loading a saved project any cc-intensive legato LASS patches don't load properly as if the scripts are somehow broken. However re-loading any of the affected patches directly into Kontakt afresh fixes this (until the next time the project is closed and re-opened).
This, and the crashes I detailed in this thread http://community.vsl.co.at/forums/t/23110.aspx mean that I'm better off with the earlier build. Is anyone else affected?
Hello Martin & Karel and the team. Any official reply on this? The LASS legato patches still sometimes don't load properly with the new build, and even when freshly loaded into Kontakt occasionally have their scripts 'broken' during a session. I suspect it's some combination of having instances preserved or not during sessions or when loaded, but haven't tracked it down what trips it up. Anyone else?
Thanks - Brett
there is one case which can still cause a problem - and there is currently no nice way to solve this, since Kontakt does not support samplerate changes on the fly. When previously having run VE Pro server at samplerate 44.1kHz, then quitting the server - and starting it again, loading an .mframe or .viframe file from the server window itself - then connecting from a sequencer running at 48kHz. Is this the case here?
One thing we could do to work around this, would be to automatically reload all plugin instances when a samplerate is changed (like some hosts do), but this is a very ugly hack imo. I think that plugin manufacturers should make their plugins handle rate changes properly. Reloading all plugins of a 20GB+ server could take some time...
I'm having the same midi problems as Wolfsterik.
I'm using a Mac Pro 8-core and Logic 9.02 as my Master DAW (OS 10.5.8) and two MacBook Pros (OS 10.6.1) as slaves using VE-Pro's 32 bit server - the 64 bit ones wouldn't give me the option of loading any of my AUs (Kontakt 3.5, Omnisphere, RMX etc) for some reason. Anyway, I digress, the midi irtregularities happened with the first version of VE-Pro and unfortunately are still occuring with the update.
I created a Logic template of 8 LASS Instruments (8 midi channels) on one slave withiin one instance of VE-Pro. All worked well until I relaunched the project. Midi channels 1 - 4 and 7 - 8 play fine. 5 and 6 are problematic. Even though I can see that they're being triggered by the VE-Pro's track light on the left, there's no sound. When I then click the Kontakt's keyboard with the mouse on the slave it plays, it just doesn't when being triggered from my main DAW.
The weird thing is that on the last launch of the project, midi channels 5 and 6 didn't play. On the current launch, 5 does, it's 6 that doesn't. By the way I've tried this with other AUs and the same thing happens. RMX, Omnisphere and other Kontakt instruments are also problematic.
Edit: I've just tried deleting the problematic AU channel on the slave (Midi channel 6 at the moment) and have loaded up an Omnisphere instrument on 6 instead. It works fine. I then deleted the Omnisphere channel and freshly loaded up Kontakt on MIDI channel 6 and nothing sounded again (even though it was clearly being triggered and DID sound when triggered by mouse on the plug-in's keyboard). It was just a regular factory preset I loaded too - nothing very intensive. Bizarre...