>sorry, but the term *archive/install* is as unclear as *mac leopard*
No, I'm sorry but niether of these terms are unclear and are used all of the time around the net http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1710 and its very unhelpful for a tech support guy to be so anal when a customer is experiencing problems with your products.
>and to clear *the fix* - as mentioned above it is related to soft-elicensers which loose their validity if significant changes happen to your computer or operating system and i'm sure this fact is mentioned in your rob papen and analog factory product manuals ..
Yes I contacted Rob Papen support and they knew right away the answer was to contact Stienberg once I described I had to Archive/Install mac Leopard.
>VSL does not use soft-licensers so we cannot support them and you have to contact the vendor or steinberg for resetting them.in case the licenses do support this,
Sorry this is very unlear ??? how can my VSL *not use soft-licensers* if the Appassionata licenses are on it and you have access to my Syncrosft account to see them and the other licenses I have on it ??
*i'd recommend transfering them on the USB elicenser to avoid such issues in the future.*
Which USB elicenser would you recommend I transfer them on to ? One you officially support now I hope.
*btw: it appears you have 2 accounts with registered products in our user area which i suggest to be merged
Yes fine, I dont know how that happened, please let me know how to do that.