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  • Epic Orchestra

    Could you perhaps tell  little bit more about the Epic Orchestra you mentioned in the latest newsletter: which articulations are included, what is the size of the orchestra (in GB, not the size of the sections in the orch.)?


  • Hello Jann,

    more information will be available on our product page as soon as it is online!

    Thanks for your patience,


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Also, is this new and different material, or is it just content from libraries already released (that we may already own)?

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    @Lee Blaske said:

    Also, is this new and different material, or is it just content from libraries already released (that we may already own)?

    Hi Lee,

    "Epic Orchestra" is based on existing content.



  • Hello Herb and Paul

    The link in the VSL Newsletter 113 is not working


    I have tried

    I get :

    Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0009'

    Subscript out of range: '[number: 5]'

    /www4page.asp, line 1048



  • If you try
    (with the extension VSL in place of HTML, as it is for every page on the website) you will be redirected to Vienna Ensemble product page, which has the same first three numbers in the link.

    Probably the real Epic Orchestra product page is not available yet. But then... why a link to nowhere?! [;)]

  •  In the news letter, you (VSL) said:

    Hot Tip: If you don't need the Epic Orchestra Pack, buy Vienna Ensemble 3 now for EUR 95 and upgrade to Vienna Ensemble PRO (without Epic Orchestra) free of charge after its release at the beginning of September 2009.

    Then at least tell us in advance what's in Orchestra pack or more details



  • Hi everybody,

    our product page with more information will be online asap. We´re happy to see you interested and of course we will give you enough time to check out what´s there.

    Thanks for your patience.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  •  For now, to me it looks like 49 Euro for a bunch of presets based on existing library (only some) with no extra samples... and you must have Vienna Suite too. Is it worth it? don't know... just wait as Paul said.

    Once the product page appear on September, the option to buy Vienna ensembles 3 only (99 Euro) will no longer available?



  • I have a 6 min demo done with Epic Orchestra only. Should be on line very soon, just finalizing the mix.

  • I 'm about to order VE right now, to take advantage of the free upgrade offer.

    What I'm not sure of is if I get it with, or without the Epic "option"....

    I already have a few VSL libs, and at 1st sight there's little in Epic I could be interested in to the point of spending an extra €50, but....

    ... given the lack of real details, it's hard to be sure, and I would'nt want to regret that later....

    So, my question is simple : if Epic happens to be interesting for me when the full picture is revealed, will I be able, as a (new) VE registered user, to order it afterwards ?

    Thanks for an answer to that

  • Hi Sirbellog,

    maybe this information of our last newsletter is helpful:

    If you're an existing user of Vienna Ensemble 3, you will be able to upgrade to Vienna Ensemble PRO (without the Epic Orchestra Pack) free of charge any time, there's no limited upgrade period. If you also want to get the Epic Orchestra Pack, you may buy it separately, only through October 31, 2009.

  • Thanks Herb,

    this is 100% informative indeed [Y]

    (guess I should have read my newsletter more carefully...... [:$])

  • Hello Herb

    The Link to Epic Orchestra Pack on VSL Newsletter 113 is still dead



  • unfortunately the EPIC ORCHESTRA page could not be enabled in time, so about 50% of our newsletter subscribers received the link - however, the product info page will be available in a few hours minutes ... christian

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • I have looked throughout the website, in every nook and cranny that I could think of, for the umpteenth time, and still I am failing to find any mention of Epic Orchestra, any listing, or even any audio demo. I even looked under drums! I tried products, user Area, downloads, DVD's, software, you name it.

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    it is listed under SOFTWARE - Vienna Ensemble since offered as Bonus Library to VE PRO,

    probably it will be doubled under Download Instruments later .... christian

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Ah, I had that page bookmarked separately, so it might have loaded from a cached view.

    Based on the price of 65 euros, I can see now that I made a big mistake in buying VE3 a few nights ago for 99 euros, as it would have been cheaper to wait a few days and just buy VE PRO directly for 149 euros.

    This was the Big Mystery in the email announcement, but time was running out so a few nights ago I thought I'd better buy VE3 since the end of the month was racing forward.

    Slightly disappointed that there is a "penalty" for taking that action -- I could easily have waited a week, in terms of project needs etc.

    I read the email quite a few times, and it seemed clear the Epic Orchestra would be a free "extra" for those buying VE PRO during its first month of sale (before the price of VE PRO itself goes up), and that the window of opportunity for VE3 would disappear as soon as info went up on the website. That made for some stress in interpreting the language of the email before time ran out, in case VE PRO didn't initially include Epic Orchestra after all (and this was the consensus on several forums, so I didn't want to take any chances).

    I personally could not afford to wait until the "last minute" for more info to become available, as I am going into surgery tomorrow (and this may have had to be accelerated, depending on conditions this weekend). It looked to me like I ran the risk of paying 49 euros extra, with no extra content, if I didn't act fast.

  • looking into your registrations i can hardly believe there is _any_ additional content you would need ;-)

    at least not the epic orchestra .... so your decision appears to me having been exactly right, christian

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Christian,

    Thanks for taking the time, and I hope I didn't come off sounding angry.

    In reading the Epic Orchestra description, I was thinking there was a lot of programming involved for additional presets, matrices, etc., that might be useful beyond the fact that the sample content is probably all duplicative of my near-complete VSL collection. :-)

    I guess I'll see when VE PRO arrives as a download, whether there is any disadvantage from the point of view of making use of the templates that it contains.

    At any rate, I'm very excited by VE PRO. I couldn't make much use of VE2 on my ancient machine, but when I first downloaded the VE3 demo last week and then bought it a few nights ago, I was surprised that I could push it far further than the earlier VE2 I had tried, in terms of filled instrument slots.