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  • Ensemble 3 questions or, maybe feature requests.

    VISTA 64


    How come I can't NAME intsruments?

    I would like to be able to give (at least minimal) names to the "fader strips" in Ensemble.


    In the case of Enseble 3 running on a "Farm" machine with Cubase as a master on another machine...

    If I save an ensemble (Ie: give it a name) on the "Farm" machine, that "instance" of Ensemble acquires

    a "NAME"... IE: "Fred's Ensemble 01" shows in the "Window Title". Cool... let's say I go on to "fill up" that

    instance and then create another... then I name that one "Fred's Ensemble 02"... And another and so on.

    So, I have 4 instances of Ensemble going, each with it's own name. Good, I can now navigate from ensemble to

    ensemble KNOWING what ensemble I'm looking at by virtue of the fact that they have names...

    Now here is the thing... I come back to this project the next day and I LOVE the fact that if I just boot up

    my "Ensemble Farm" machine (yes, I have Vienna Service in my startup folder), then boot up my Cubase machine

    and open up the project that uses the above mentioned ensembles, the FARM machine just wakes up and loads

    the same ensembles that were used in THAT PARTICULAR Cubase project! Brilliant!

    BUT, the ensmbles that are automatically loaded do NOT have unique names anymore.


    Cheers - Fred Maher

  • A1. I don't have Vista but this works on XP & OSX. Double click on the instrument name in the column on the left hand side of the VE GUI. You can now type a new name.

    A2. No idea - sorry!



  • Hi Fred,

    well observed. This is already on our to-do-list for VE PRO let´s see how we can integrate this!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Speaking of which... it's nearly the end of July - any chance of VEPRO appearing (even a public beta) before August?



  •  About no. 2 above:

          I'm not sure how this is in Cubase, but in Sonar, if you have made changes on to the VE project on your slave machine, Sonar saves those changes (I don't know where, but it's obviously not on the VE machine -- so internally to Sonar) so that next time I load my project in Sonar, I get the VE loaded on the slave machine with the changes I had made. In other words, I didn't have to save the changes to the project on the VE machine itself -- which is good, because many times I'll want to make an incremental but similar VE project, and I can save that on the slave machine when I'm completely through setting it up.

          It could get confusing when shutting down and reloading a project if the current VE project open on the slave (which had been changed last session, so is now different) had the same name as the actual project physically saved on the slave machine without a visual/naming cue to differentiate.

         But maybe there's a way to make that cue in the VE window?

  • Hi Paul,

    And you thought I didn't care [:)]

    I ran across this while helping one of our mutual customers.

    Cheers - Fred!