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    @Guy said:

    Ron, On my Mac Intel Xeon, I made a partition of about 150 GB to install Windows 7, so a dual system. I then installed MIR on the PC partition. The problem I have now is to bridge the midi using MIDIoverLAN from my Mac to Windows, I currently use Logic Pro, but how do I get from there to MIR? What should the configurations be? This is not very conventional way of doing it and MIR being new and all but if anybody knows about this I'd appreciate some help. Thanks!

    Hi Guy,

     On my setup, I used cubase within windows (the windows version of cubase).  It's not possible to run logic on the mac partition and MIR on the windows partition at the same time.  Unfortunately, I don't think logic is available for windows, so you'll probably have to have a sequencer that works in windows.  Then you'll be able to run the sequencer and MIR off of your windows partition.

    I hope that helps.



  • Thanks Ron for the fast reply!

    Yeah, that makes sense. But I guess it can't be great to have MIR and the sequencer on the same partition. What do you think?

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    @Guy said:

    Thanks Ron for the fast reply!

    Yeah, that makes sense. But I guess it can't be great to have MIR and the sequencer on the same partition. What do you think?

    Guy, my pleasure.  Any time! secondary test system is not the absolute best case scenario system for MIR.  On the other hand, I was running both MIR and the sequencer on the same partition and my results show that this setup is viable for small to medium size orchestrations.  Also, keep in mind that you can lower the buffer as you play in individual lines, and then raise the buffer (and MIR's own buffer multiplier) when you play the entire piece back.

    Hope this helps out, I'm happy to share any other results I can with you.

    Take care, Guy.


  • Guy, I think the first problem is that both the Mac side and the Windows side have the same ethernet address - even though there are two ports on the Mac Pro. But it may be possible to wire from one to the other. cm?

    The other problem - maybe this is the first one - is that you'd need...I forget the name, but the program that allows Windows and Mac to run at the same time (i.e. not Boot Camp). And that program takes some overhead, so if the computer is already strained, it probably isn't the way to go.

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    @Nick Batzdorf said:

    Guy, I think the first problem is that both the Mac side and the Windows side have the same ethernet address - even though there are two ports on the Mac Pro. But it may be possible to wire from one to the other. cm?

    The other problem - maybe this is the first one - is that you'd need...I forget the name, but the program that allows Windows and Mac to run at the same time (i.e. not Boot Camp). And that program takes some overhead, so if the computer is already strained, it probably isn't the way to go.

    You wouldn't be talking about Parallels 4? I just installed that, however I'm not sure that will do the trick either, however it's a cool software!

  • Apparently it CAN be done. Vanessa Garde Luque has confirmed this.

    But because we are talking about MIR, I prefer to go with the ideal way and have a dedicated computer for it.

  • Hi,

      I tried Parallels a few years ago.  It opened Windows Vista just fine, but I couldn't get any audio.  Maybe a driver problem.  So I went with Logic instead of Sonar (wouldn't run w/intel Mac at the time.)  Also tried Bootcamp and found it complicated.  It's not hard to imagine the problems therein trying to run MIR through Windows w/ a Mac.

                Cheers,   Tom 

  • let me say it straight - forget paralllels, forget virtual PC, forget any virtualization technology except hyperthreading (now called VT) within windows (has to be set in the BIOS, nehalem macPros use EFI and don't have a BIOS, AFAIK they have it enabled by default) - you will need any piece of performance you can get out of the system.

    neither with parallels nor virtual PC you can map certain harware properly to the guest system ....


    if you have to use a macPro (nehalem) for MIR use bootCamp, use Windows 7, run the sequencer on another machine and feed MIR with MIDI (physical or with MIDIoverLAN)


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @DG said:

    It may be worth testing with a combination of MOL and AudioPort, in case this turns out to be a viable solution for people. It would certainly save them having to buy soundcards for the MIR machine.



    Hi DG

    Saw your suggestion and checked out the Audioport - however it seems it does'nt support 64-bit apps. It will run on 64-bit OS but in 32-bit modeonly and will not host a 64-bit app as MIR [:'(]

    So lets hope Vienna will include the midi and audio in the MIR pro version - just as it is in the Vienna Ensemble.

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    @DG said:

    It may be worth testing with a combination of MOL and AudioPort, in case this turns out to be a viable solution for people. It would certainly save them having to buy soundcards for the MIR machine.



    Hi DG

    Saw your suggestion and checked out the Audioport - however it seems it does'nt support 64-bit apps. It will run on 64-bit OS but in 32-bit modeonly and will not host a 64-bit app as MIR [:'(]

    So lets hope Vienna will include the midi and audio in the MIR pro version - just as it is in the Vienna Ensemble.


     Funnily enough, I had an email conversation with them today and they say:

    If I am correct about your system, you will install the AudioPort Universal (audio monitoring) plug-in on the WINXP X64 machine to use with Nuendo and the Audio Port Universal Host on your Win7 (64bit) machine along with Vienna.

    Audio Port Universal will run on WIN XP (X64) in plug-in mode (for Nuendo) and in Host mode for Vienna, etc.

    APU Host is compatible with Vista 64 though not in Plug-in Mode
    I do believe APU Host is compatible with WIN7 in host mode because it is compatible with Win Vista 64bit and Win7 is similar to Vista, perfected and smoother.

    However, we have not tested APU with WIN7 beta yet.
    I think that this means that as long as I use a 32bit sequencer, I could be OK. I'll try to nail this down, if possible, so that we know what the situaton is.
    I think that using MIR like Vienna Pro is a non-starter for me, becuase it would mean that I would have to keep Nuendo open to avoid the samples being dumped.

  • well - a bit confusing I think. If we think of the similar solutions we used to use in the past it was always a host for applications - and given that Audioport is also named a host - it would seem obvious that MIR would have to be hosted by it.

    But MIR is a 64-bit application and Audioport will not host such a baby as I understand it from the FAQ - and actually I think the apps needs to be VST's - and the MIR is a standalone.

    Maybe the MIR has'nt ticked in at audioimpressions and they think you're refering to the VE/VI ?

    But if you're going to use the MIR on the same machine as yuor sequncer - why not use the TotalMix as you yourself suggested?

    Regarding the comparision I made to VE :

    I think Vienna has promised us a solution to make the samples stay onboard when closing a project in the sequencer - and offcause I would expect the same feature from MIR pro, if it isn't already in the first edition. ;-)

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    @Another User said:


    Regarding the comparision I made to VE :

    I think Vienna has promised us a solution to make the samples stay onboard when closing a project in the sequencer - and offcause I would expect the same feature from MIR pro, if it isn't already in the first edition. 😉


    Yes I understand, but this is useless if your sequencer crashes......!


  • Guys I'm about to order the following components for MIR workstation.

    Dual Intel Xeon Quad-Core E5520

    Supermicro X8DTN+ Dual LGA1366 Server Motherboard

    24GB Hynix DDR3-1333 RAM

    ZOTAC nVidia GeForce 9600GT LP 512MB DDR3 Video Card

    2 Seagate ST3500418AS 500GB SATA2 7200rpm 16MB Hard Drives (for Vienna Instruments)

    Can anyone please verify, that the listed components are compatible with MIR's recomended specifications? Also, I'm not 100% regarding the motherboard since, I might need to overclock the CPU's a little. I have the impression that Christian mentioned that VSL are testing an overclocked DUAL Xeon e5520. If possible, I would like to know whether the Supermicro X8DTN+ has overclocking tools or not, and if not, perhaps anyone can suggest another model. Thanks

  •  I would buy two 1.5 Tera 32M cache hard disks

  •  Hi

    Be aware that the X8DTN+ has an enhanced ext. ATX formfactor (34.7cm x 33cm) - not just extended ATX, so it won't fit in just any old chassis.

    I've been looking at the X8DAH+F  - which also have 18 memory slots and in addition has firewire.

  • Yes, I ordered a Chenbro EATX 4U rack chassis infact.

  • Any news on the MIR coming to Mac?

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    @Sami Boman said:

    Any news on the MIR coming to Mac?

    Welcome Sami, thanks for your interest.

    MIR won't be available for OSX in the near future, sorry to say so. At the moment, using Windows with BootCamp might be the way to go.


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library