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  • VE3 configuration help - PC w/Mac Slave

    Hi all. I just made the leap to VE3 this weekend and it's ALMOST working. I've browsed the forum a bit but haven't found an exact answer for me yet. The master is an ADK laptop PC with 4GB RAM, XP, 2xquad-core 2.66GHz, Sonar 8.3.1, which I have been running VE2 on happily, but I'm expanding. The Mac is a 2x3.2GHz Quad-core Xeon, 8GB RAM, OS10.5.4. Both with GB ethernet. It's mostly working, but... 

    1) Master doesn't see the slave. I can manually enter the IP address and it works, but it'd be nice if I could just click on it instead.

    2) I'm getting minor occasional pops/dropouts when running a fairly light load on one VE3 window, but as soon as I have more than one instance of VE3 open on the slave, it's just drop out city, all the VI's stuttering while audio tracks, VST synths and GVI play fine on the PC.

    At first I thought it was the hard drive configuration. The Mac had two internal 1TB drives set up as mirrored RAID drives, and there was lots of disk drive activity while I was having the dropouts. So I thought maybe VE didn't know how to read the data properly off the RAID array, and reformatted the drives as Journaled HFS+. 

    That didn't fix it, and then I realized, duh... it should have the samples in RAM, not reading them off the drive, anyway. Then I realized that Vienna Ensemble was listed as using 1.78GB real memory, and 2.82GB virtual memory and there was still lots of drive activity during the trouble, and it seems to me VE should only be using real memory to stream the samples. But I don't know how to change Virtual memory settings on these newfangled Macs.

    But again, the problem is only really bad if I have multiple instances of VE3 open on the slave.

    Any clues?

  • A few things:

    1. Since the samples are streamed from disc they should be on a separate driver from the system
    2. Make sure that your network has no conflicts on either machine (Internet etc.)
    3. Remember that your maximum memory usage within VE3 is probably around 2.5-2.8GB.


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    @Another User said:

    If used as a stand-alone instance on a dedicated Vienna Ensemble computer running OS , each Vienna 

    Ensemble can address 2.4 GB of RAM. This way you can address as much RAM as accessible on your 

    Slave Computer. 

  • Okay, it was my fault of course. For reasons I won't go into, I installed VE3 twice on the slave and didn't repair permissions the second time. That cleaned up the audio performance.

    If anybody has any hints to get the master seeing the slave without manually entering the IP address, that'd be lovely, but it's a PC/Mac network thing, so I don't expect miracles.

  • what helps is to make both machines reside in the same workgroup (i.e. name the workgroup the computer is a member of identically)

    everything else is a matter of binding (which network considers itself resp. the operating system considers to be the primary one)

    the *rude method* would be to edit the hosts file what requires some knowlege and to have fixed IPs on your audio network.


    ps: network settings as such have to be straight anyway ...

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.