I have a problem. I want to be able to keyswitch between two double bass samples. One is a sustain which I want to use the modwheel to control velocity. The second is staccato, where the velocity should be determined by key hit strength. The problem is, when I turn on velocity xfade and bind the control to the mod wheel, it applies to ALL items in the matrix. I can't just do it for specific samples. Is there a way to do this??
How to get perform controls (like velocity XFade) to apply to only certain samples in the matri...
There are two things you can do:
- Switch xFade on and off at will with a controller.
- Use two instruments, set to the same MIDI channel, with xfade samples in one and non-xFade in the other
I use method 2, and because of all the doubling up, I have 130 or so Instruments in the template. The only snag is that it does use up more memory.