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  • Hi:

    I am working on the road, and am trying to set up VE 3 with two computers for the first time.

    I have two Mac laptops, one with 10.57 (master) and one running 10.4x (slave).

    To each of them I have hooked up a FW 800 drive.

    The drive attached to the master has VI string samples and the drive attached to the slave has VI wind samples.

    I have a VE key attached to each computer, with an valid license on each.

    When I run the directory manager (DM) on each computer, I set it to search the attached drive. That is to say, the DM on the master sees the strings and the DM on the slave sees the winds.

    I start VE Service on both computers.

    I open Finale and instantiate a VE instance as an AU plugin. 

    This brings up the VE Server Interface.

    I select 'reconnect' and then click the Slave IP address and then hit 'connect'. The slave computer seems to be connected.

    When the VE GUI opens and I go to select instruments, only the string instruments show up, not the winds.

    Clearly I am doing something wrong. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


  • Hi Michael,

    you need to open one VE3 instance on each computer, master and slave. Right now, you are "just" connecting to the VE SERVER on your master machine.

    Do you see the IP address of your slave machine as well? Open another VE instance as AU plug-in and connect it. Then you will be able to access your wind instruments as well.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks, Paul.

    Does that mean I open Finale on the slave computer as well, or a standalone VE?


  •  michael, please double check your computers have correct IP addresses (eg. and, mask on both and you don't access shares using *just* afp (apple file protocol) - DHCP will not work.

    the network utility offers a tab *ping* where you can check the TCP/IP connection to the respective other IP address to be working.


    master: finale, VE3, key with VE3 + strings (=localhost or local IP address)

    slave: VE3, key with VE3 + winds (= remote IP address)


    hth, christian

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Hi Christian,

    I can see the ip address of the slave computer. I am just not sure how to instantiate VE on the slave computer so that Finale will see it. Do I need to open Finale on both computers, or a stand-alone VE on the slave? 



  • finale on the master only, VE3 service on the slave, then insert VE3 into a finale track and connect to the slave - a GUI will open on the slave (be patient the first time)

    do not ignore or click away any firewall related message boxes ...


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Ok, the connection now works. On the slave laptop I have loaded three VI matrices:

    Bass Flute artic. combi

    C Flute artic. combi

    Alto Flute artic. combi

    When Finale plays back the file I am working on, using only the bass flute on the slave, I get continuous (at least once every measure) audio drop-outs.

    The slave is a 1.5 gHz powerbook G4 with 2GB of RAM, much more than those three matrices need.

    Any idea why am I getting these drop-outs?

    When I stop all playback and just play a single note on the slave using the VE keyboard interface, that note also cuts out regularly, The VE cpu meter reads between 7 and 30% to sustain that single note. If I quit everything on both computers and just launch VE standalone on the slave machine, that sustained bass flute note plays back with no cut outs.


  •  are both (and a possibly involved switch) gigabit and is there any other traffic on this network, also any WiFi in the game?


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • The master does have airport turned on. I am not sure how I would know if the computers are gigabit, and I am not sure what switch you mean.



  • either system prfiler (about my mac) or network settings tell you the speed of your NICs (Network Interface Cards).

    if you have not connected your macs trough a direct cable there must sit some device between them.


    since you mention airport: make sure both networks are not in the same IP address range - system preferences / network should give you the respective numbers.


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Both computers show a network speed of 1 Gbit. The two macs are directly connected with an ethernet cable.

    The ip address of airport starts with 192.168

    The ip address of ethernet starts with 169.254

    Is this helpful?


  •  the range is reserved for zero config (assigning IP addresses without a DHCP server)

    however, here this IPs get routed into the internet instead of keeping local, so maybe it would be a good idea to assign them manually, eg. and subnetmask given that your airport network ist 192.168.0.x (the third group of numbers must be different!)

    hth, christian

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Thanks, Christian,

    I will try this.


  • Hi Christian,

    I have manually assigned ethernet IP's to both laptops, with different third-group numbers, as you suggested. I have also turned airport off to make sure it is not causing any problems. I still get the same results. Even when loading a single instrument (piccolo) on the slave computer, playback does not work properly. There are many droupouts with even a single sustained note. This happens even when playing that note directly from the VE keyboard on the slave computer. If I disconnect the two computers, that same note plays just fine. I don't imagine this is a Leopard/Tiger issue, is it? My master is running Leopard (latest version), and the slave Tiger (also latest version).

    Any suggestions?


  •  i don't think it is a leo-to-tiger issue ... but re-reading the posts above: are you sure the slave (1.5 gHz powerbook G4) has gigabit?


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Yes, I double checked. Both computers show a network speed of 1gbit.


  • OK, silly question -- or maybe not -- but since my slave Mac is connected to the master only via ethernet, in order to keep VE Service permanently active whenever I turn on the slave, do I just need to put the VE Service icon into the "StartupItems" folder, and then it'll automatically launch when the slave is turned on?  Or is there another or better way to handle that on the slave mac?

    My master is a Mac Intel 8-core, and the slave is a dual quad-core G5.


  • Hi Christian:

    I am not sure what else to do at this point. Is my Powerbook just not up to this task? What are your system requirements for VE 3?


  • last edited
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    Hi Michael,

    I believe that your G4 is underpowered.... the system requirements for VE 3 start with a G5.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL