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  • My apologies.

    Best regards,

    Jac Weever

  • Rob, what are using for main daw? Are you just wanting to run bidule on the same machine? 

  • Tripit,

    I am using a 2Ghz G5 Mac running OSX 10.4.11 (haven't moved up the the quad yet) with DP 6.02. My satellite computers are 6 MacMinis (intels).

    I'm wanting to network these Minis to the G5.

    Hope that answers your questions and thank you in advance for the help!

  • Hi there - yea my main Daw is Nuendo (32 bit) - x64 - I would like to run it on that and at least one of three PC farm units (x64 - 16 gb ram puters)

    Many thanks.


  • Here's a question: Can I run Vienna Ensemble along with Bidule? I need VSTs on only 4 of my 6 Minis and if I could do this until VEPro is ready this would be a great work around. 

    Let me know!

  • The answer to this is KEY for me as well as I have 3 farm units running VE3 networked.


  • *tap* *tap* this thing on? Can Bidule run along side VE? Anyone? Bueller?

  • Hey Rob, yes you can run Bidlue along side with VE3. The thing is that bidule will not get your audio back to your DAW via network. You have to run the audio either through the native audio, such as using the optic out of the mini and bring back or via a firewire audio card etc. to your DAW or a mixer. The exception would be if you have rewire ability in your DAW and you put bidule along side of your DAW - in the same machine. Then you can route the audio back into the DAW via rewire. 

  • That sounds promising. So, if I run Rewire I can then route MIDI and AUDIO via the network? I'm a bit ignorant when it comes to this side of things but I'm fairly confident that Digital Performer handles Rewire.

    I just wanted to make sure that there would be some sort of conflict or "bottleneck" if I ran VE and Bidule side by side.

  • Yes, you can rewire into DP. You can also just use the mac native out optical or a 2nd audio interface, and run the audio back into your main interface. 

    You won't have a bottle neck, in fact it takes a big load off of DP and you get more memory usage because you can load up an additional 3.2 gigs in Bidule, besides the 3.2 you have in DP. 

  • What about K2/K3? That should be stable from the start right? Cause that's all I'm interested in at this point.

  • +1 for K3.5.   working with VE PRO is critical for me.


  • +2 for K3....ditto!

  • Not me...K3.5 works fine in DAW and DAW desktop/Bidule. East West is the issue. 

  • +3 for K3

  • Is it possible to run VE2 and K 3.5 simultaneously in stand alone mode on a 64-bit (vista) slave machine, or is that just asking for trouble?

    Gaute Storaas

  • welcome gaute, yes - as far as your audio device's ASIO drivers are multi-client (i.e. allow both applications to access the audio device simultaneously, usually on different channels though)


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @rpmusic said:

    That sounds promising. So, if I run Rewire I can then route MIDI and AUDIO via the network? I'm a bit ignorant when it comes to this side of things but I'm fairly confident that Digital Performer handles Rewire.

    I just wanted to make sure that there would be some sort of conflict or "bottleneck" if I ran VE and Bidule side by side.

    Hi ,

    although Bidule runs very stable (!)  rewired alongside my Logic 8 + VE2.0  setup ,

    there are two things you should be aware of when using   Bidule in Rewire-Mode :

    1 .The Rewire App runs only on one core  , which can easily  lead to system overload messages ( ...depending on your particular arrangement ...).

    2. There is still a bug even in the latest Bidule release  ( Bidule 0.9690  / from July 6th 2009 )- at least  on my  Mac G5 / OS 10.4.11 ,

         which leads to hanging Midi-Notes every now and then .  This might (?) be different on other systems  ( Intel / OS Leopard / etc. ... ) .


    - Gerd

  •  Could someone briefly explain why one uses Rewire? I've googled it, but I'm not sure I understand when it's needed or desired in a pipeline. Is it for useful when you're running Bidule/hosting vst on the same machine as the DAW resides? Rewire doesn't actually send audio of ethernet, does it?

    Sorry for the OT...

    Oh... +4 for Kontakt 3.5/VEP stable goodness.


  • ReWire is used on the same machine as the sequencer.

    People use it instead of hardware-returns from Bidule because the timing is better. Also you don't need another audio interface to get the audio returns back to the sequencer.