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  • Lost 50 free starts while Authorizing Vienna Suite Demo

    Title says all,

    anyone had the same experience?

    This is weird!


  • Hello CC;

    thatĀ“s interesting, as there are "only" 30 starts available with the Vienna Suite Demo License.

    HereĀ“s the good news: You can recharge your starts in the "Wizards" menu of the LCC => "Activate Date licenses" will give you another 30 starts, and you can recharge as often as you want, within 30 days. 

    BTW: A little information about your setup makes it easier to find out more, in general.... software versions, computer.....



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul,

    thanks for replying. Well actually i was talking about my Vienna Instruments License wich came with 180 starts. Before authorizing Vienna Suite i had 102 starts left and now i have 54?

    Any idea?




    G5 2X2.5

    6 gigs RAM


    Vienna Instruments and Vienna Ensemble(Last Version)

    Last Version of License Manager

  • Hi Claude,

    no idea what happened here, obvioulsy the AU validation counted down more starts than necessary.

    DidnĀ“t you download the Vienna Suite Demo license?



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Similar happened to me with VS demo. If I remember I would lose 5 starts per AU as a project loaded or something crazy like that - I had to constantly 'date activate' the license to get back starts before losing them all over again over the next couple of DAW boots. Same OS I notice ...


    G5 1.8d PPC

  • Hi Paul,

    yes i did. It's exactly why i've lost almost 50 free starts on my Vienna Instruments License. I know it's probably not normal...

    I have to say that downloading the license was impossible on tuesday or wednesday, i had about 20-30 failed, aborted downloads.

    Thanks for your help Paul i know i'm not giving much to understand but all i see is the result. From 102 to 54 free starts in 1 day.



  • Wow I thought I would just check and see if this happened to me as well and it did.  I went from over 100 starts to 50.  I just installed the demo two days ago and I already had the demo license installed from 2 weeks ago.

    Any way to get back some of these starts?  sure seems scary to me now because anytime I load Sibelius or Logic it runs through the AU scanner.  Am hoping I won't look up in 2-3 days from now and see I have 0 starts left.


  •  a few words ... there is an all VSL application license which works for all products, so if you have say from solo strings only the standard library (like cgernaey) and are loading something from the extended library a start is used (from the all application license).


    all Vienna Instruments Collections have demo mode #2 licenses for trying out the extended libraries (date license 30 days 30 starts) which are related to a certain extended library (again, say solo strings).


    for the Vienna Suite there is also a demo license available. earlier versions used 1 start per plugin, the latest versions even only 1 for the whole suite. closing a project and re-opening it will also use a start.

    if no more starts from the date license are available and you still have starts on your all application license left, those are now used up.


    actually during AU validation (or VST check) only one start should be eaten - if you notice more please check your system (eg. permissions), re-iterated validating would also use a start with every iteration.


    every other behaviour is not intended, but the succesion of events should be considered (as side effects from failed validations or loaded extended content should be).

    however i have asked our mac support to double check if some failure happens with 10.4.11

    hth, christian

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Thank you Christian,

    please do check for specific probs with 10.4.11.

    I really did lose 50 Auths before even trying Vienna Suite once. Just installing and downloading the License made these Auths disappear...

    If it is of any help, as i said in an earlier post i had a lot(like trying all day)of server errors while trying to download the License.

    Best regards,


  •  dear claude, maybe a misunderstanding here ... downloading the software (from the user area) and installing it (on your computer) does not use a single start (how could it ...)

    2009-05-07 16:58:42 Not completed state: Online Download
    2009-05-07 16:58:43 Not completed state: Online Download
    2009-05-07 16:58:56 Date License Initialization
    2009-05-07 16:59:03 Successfull: Online Download

    this tells me your license download (to your vienna key) has been interrupted 2 times (possibly during some more tries you could actually get no connection at all)

    every loading/validating/ect before 16:59:03 would have eaten up starts from your all application license though ....


    maybe you could run a verify/repair permissions on your system volume (disk utility, after a reboot), then look for the number of starts left for your Vienna Suite Demo (remember: the date license wizard allows you to re-load the number of your starts for the date license as often you need until expiration date).

    then open logic (or whatever host you are using) - check the number again, 1 start is allowed to be subtracted if AU validation works correctly.


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
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    @cm said:

    dear claude, maybe a misunderstanding here ... downloading the software (from the user area) and installing it (on your computer) does not use a single start (how could it ...)

    I understand this Christian.

    The only thing i know is i tried all day to download a license tuesday or wednesday without success and the day after it worked first time...Around 10 or 11 AM here in North America.

    I'll try repairing permissions and we'll see.

    Thanks again!


  • Has anyone confirmed what is going on in these cases where 5 starts of the VS demo are used up for each plug during the launch of a DAW program?  I start with 30, and ALL are used before Digital Performer finished scanning all th plugs.  Then it tells me that the VS is deactivated because the license is no longer valid.  In order to refill, I have to quit all apps, which brings me right back to square one.

    I am on 10.4.11

    Intel Xeon.  I have done all the repairing of permissions, etc.  I am at a loss.




  • Also, the licenser says that I need to quit other apps in order to run the wizard, but in fact I must restart the computer.  Even after I quit all apps, it still tells me that...."You must quit all other applications"

    This is a total pain in the rear.  What a clumsy process.

  • it appears this is a 10.4 issue under certain circumstances and already under investigation.

    sorry for the inconvenience, christian

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • I am a VSL User running Sonar 8 and I have lost more than 75 demo starts from my VSL Demo starts.  Each time that I would open Sonar I would loose 5 or so.  In none these instances was I using Vienna Ensemble or any VSL product.  I later learned that while rescanning for VSTs within Sonar that I would lose 15 or so each time I scanned for any other VST.  I ultimately had to uninstall Vienna Ensemble and delete all .dll's to keep from using up all of my demo licenses.

    Is there any recourseto get this loss back, the demo licenses are a great value to me.



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    @Carl_Hayes_6660 said:

    I am a VSL User running Sonar 8 and I have lost more than 75 demo starts from my VSL Demo starts.  Each time that I would open Sonar I would loose 5 or so.  In none these instances was I using Vienna Ensemble or any VSL product.  I later learned that while rescanning for VSTs within Sonar that I would lose 15 or so each time I scanned for any other VST.  I ultimately had to uninstall Vienna Ensemble and delete all .dll's to keep from using up all of my demo licenses.

    Is there any recourseto get this loss back, the demo licenses are a great value to me.



    Same here i lost about 75 startups since installing Vienna Suite demo. Had i known i would not have tried it as the demo licenses are much more important for trying the extended articulations of the Libraries to me.

    I'm sure the good people in Vienna will find a solution. Christian said they where working on the problem.



  • So, I tried launching Plogue Bidule without DP or Logic, and it worked fine.  Now DP will scan the Plugs correctly and I am no longer having an issue.  I'm not sure exactly what fixed it, but there does seem to be consensus that it has something to do with 10.4.

    In any case, I am now enjoying the plugs!

  •  thx ozoufonoun for sharing your finding!

    claude:you can request a demo mode #2 license for every extended library if you have registered standard only ...

    the 180 starts demo mode #1 license is just to get a user started in case no internet connectionj is available during the first installation.

    you might also want to reload the starts of your VS demo (date license wizard) to avoid more starts to be eaten from the all app demo starts

    hth, christian

    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.
  • Thanks Christian for these precisions.

    So if i understand you well, if i purchase a new library, i may ask for a level 2 license to try the corresponding extended library of that new purchase? How many starts does that give you?

    Vielen Danke for all your help Christian!


  • correct - demo mode #2 licenses are date licenses for 30 days / 30 starts.

    within 30 days after activating it, you can re-load the 30 starts as often as needed (using the date license wizard)


    and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.