I need to quickly absorb VSL/Logic/Vienna ensemble in Sibelius. I'm not using the "special edition" or "special edition PLUS" since I have all the VSL lib. I have an idea of what it involves although still foggy. If you are a logic pro user I need your help! :) The main thing I want to know is how to program a change of articulation in say a violin part: Arco to Pizz. How will Sib recognize the name of the patch from the VI? Ex: If in Vienna Ensemble/Channel 1, I make a matrice with 4 different articulations:
VI_staccato, VI_pizz, VI_perf-legato and VI_perf-marcato, How will Sib recognize the one I want and what do I indicate in the score?
What are the steps I have to do for this? I hope what I'm asking is clear enough.
Thanks for your help!