What color is it?
hehe... Guy - participate becuase Rob and me are cool guys, or because you agree that these things would be nice? [;)]
More than most other instruments, the trombone identifies itself by the development of its tone over time.
I wonder if VSL might want to take a new look at the way it both records and edits this developing tone?
Some other libraries use modwheel to bring in the brassy edge from the smoother attacks. They are usually uneven and 'phasey'. Perhaps VSL can develop some other method that works better. Also the bright, edgey short attacks will be important.
More than most other instruments, the trombone identifies itself by the development of its tone over time.
I wonder if VSL might want to take a new look at the way it both records and edits this developing tone?
Some other libraries use modwheel to bring in the brassy edge from the smoother attacks. They are usually uneven and 'phasey'. Perhaps VSL can develop some other method that works better. Also the bright, edgey short attacks will be important.
How does this relate to my missing cat?[*-)]
Exactly... I mentioned the Tuba as well. I don't think Epic Tuba alone would sell... but as part of a Epic Dark Brass release it would be great
More than most other instruments, the trombone identifies itself by the development of its tone over time.
I wonder if VSL might want to take a new look at the way it both records and edits this developing tone?
Some other libraries use modwheel to bring in the brassy edge from the smoother attacks. They are usually uneven and 'phasey'. Perhaps VSL can develop some other method that works better. Also the bright, edgey short attacks will be important.
I think that what you are asking for is the next stage of sample modelling. Certainly I would like to be able to control a Woodwind or Brass instrument using BC in a much more effective way. However, it even shows on the staccato samples. An easy test is to write a succession of staccato notes with gradually increasing velocity. You can really hear the velocity layer changes. However, if you introduce a modicum of filter to the lower end of a new velocity layer and then increase it as the sample gets louder, you can get a much more seamless join. However, this is very time consuming and counter intuitive, when it comes to performing with samples. Once these things can be automatic, then I, for one, can spend more time making music, and less with the pencil tool...!
More than most other instruments, the trombone identifies itself by the development of its tone over time.
I wonder if VSL might want to take a new look at the way it both records and edits this developing tone?
Some other libraries use modwheel to bring in the brassy edge from the smoother attacks. They are usually uneven and 'phasey'. Perhaps VSL can develop some other method that works better. Also the bright, edgey short attacks will be important.
How does this relate to my missing cat?
i assume your cat was attacked with a bright, sharp brass edge.
+1 for the epic low brass concept, recorded both "dark" and "buzzy" (and the ability to control this) would be great! It was attempted with the "filter" patches in EXS which worked OK, but I'm sure you guys could do much better today.
BTW, What other libs are people currently using to get by?
Hi JT3_Jon,
Trombones are hard to do right even with several choices at hand (at least for me). I admit to approaching them in my pieces with some trepidation. Sometimes I even tend to avoid using them because I feel they will come up short of the goal.
I use a bit of SAM, Sonivox and EW cobbled together with some VSL. It still isn't totally satisfying to me. I'll bet I'm not alone in this. Some of these other libraries also have some pretty good overall low brass - Tuba, Wagner Tuba, etc. Oh yeah, some of these other libraries do have some really ugly brass patches in their collections. They are not a 'go to' answer at all for trombones.
I would think there is a definite opening in the market if VSL would want to move in this direction.
Personally, I don't enjoy spending a whole bunch of time trying to take components from several libraries and pasting them together. If VSL can dig down deep and find the conception and technology to make this work it would be great. I'd love to simplify my brass template.
VSL has exceeded my expectation before (& certainly with the upcoming VE Pro). Perhaps they can do it again.
I would purchase an Epic Horns or Fanfare Trumpets-style Trombones download *immediately* without even thinking about it. I've gotten by fairly well by expanding the stereo width and volume of the current trombones, but yes..it's very difficult for me to get them to measure up to the other two sections. I'd value this much more than a new tuba (especially since there are a couple others even available), but both would be great. Thanks, guys.
Actually I would prefer a larger DVD collection of just Trombones - if VSL could really nail it. I would be willing to pay the 'full collection' pricing if it hits the mark.
There are so many types of articulations that are specific to Trombone, solo and ensemble, that (certainly depending on VSL's technology and approach) would necessarily need to be produced.
I would think that they would need to really isolate their attention and creativity on this single instrument. Maybe the Vienna Instrument software itself would need to be futher developed in order for this to be done. Timing of the change and develpment of tone would need to be adjustable to fit specific phrases of your composition. Timing of Glisses and Rips would also need to be adjustable.
This much forward-looking development might need to be underwritten by the production of a larger DVD collection.
Imagine, if you will, clicking on the VI within a VE Pro that reveals a glorious, lively instrument that always produces the sonic effect you would want for a trombone or an ensemble of trombones. Imagine how much easier and exciting that would make your pieces that use brass.
Heh. That made me laugh - Epic Tuba. Singular. One tuba. Played in an epic style. I'm still holding out for Epic Piccolos. A section of 6 piccolos recorded with legato, repitition etc., with a modwheel control that allows you to move from "piercing" to "rip through your eardrum and mangle your brain - blowing transversely". Seriously though - agree with the both the Horn and Epic Bones, and despite my comments above, also agree that the tuba is a bit pffft.