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  • Transferring VSL to a new PC - quickest method?

     Hello all

    I've bought a new, improved PC and want to transfer my VSL libs across, without the hassle of reinstalling everything from the original DVDs.  I can probably just copy the audio files across my network - but what is the best way to reinstall the "program" part of the VSL libs that were installed on my old C-drive (operating system drive), without installing the audio data again?

    My libs are Special Edition STD + Extended, and Appasionata Std + Extended.

    Thanks for any advice!


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    Hi Mike,

    yes, you can copy the sample content, no problem.

    Concerning the software: Simply install the latest versions of the Syncrosoft LCC and the VSL Software.

    Then, assign the sample content in the Vienna Instruments Directory Manager and you´re done.



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  •  Thank you Paul ! [:D]