ad 1) please remember the server solution has been introduced to allow accessing seperate memory (outside of the host application) which was (and basically still is) essential for loading a significant amount of data.
there is a bunch of industry standards out there - some ore more open, some proprietary and/or closed ... VST (2, 3), AU, RTAS, MAS, TDM, ReWire, ect. not every vendor has a perfect implementation of the respective specification, some vendors are more responsive than others.
currently i don't want to comment on PLAY at all.
ad 2) the path how protection is currently implemented does also secure your investment very well - however there is nothing which can't be improved and VSL is aware that there _are_ issues (caused by whatever) and taking appropriate steps to de-escalate the problematic incidents.
and remember: only a CRAY can run an endless loop in just three seconds.