Maybe people haven't fully realized that the problem is not Syncrosoft or VSL, it is the combination of both that causes problems. Judging by the numbers of posts on this forum, I think VSL cannot deny that there is a problem, even if it is a small group (Mac). It is their job to find out what combination of hardware or other factors causes problems with their $10k+ product.
First of all, I don't have much confidence in the Syncrosoft product based on problems in the past vs zero problems with the iLok. Having it run by Steinberg now doesn't make that better, again based on my personal experience with Steinberg and their track record for Apple products (anybody remembers Cubase 1 for OSX, a pathetic attempt to port the PC version over to Mac). At least they are updating and improving their eLicencing.
But honestly I don't have any issues with any other the licenses on the Syncrosoft key, once authorized they are working and you don't even noticed that it is there, just like the iLok. But now put the VSL products in the picture - there you have the problems.
Any product you buy and install, you go through an authorization process of some kind, to prove that you purchased the product and you are the legitimate owner. Some authorization processes are better than others, meaning less hustle for the consumer to jump through all kinds of hoops. But I understand that the developers have to protect their investment, ok fine. But what VSL is doing is taking it too far. It re-checks the product every time lit aunches after a re-boot, resulting in this down-time until the process is finished. Are there any other companies that are that paranoid? VSL requires that you prove that you are not a thief after each reboot of the machine. "Yes, I told you already two hours ago that I'm authorized to use that &^%&^% piccolo flute sample, now get out of the way and let me use the stuff what I paid you $10k+ for." Unfreakingbelievable.
And please I don't want to hear any excuses or workarounds. Yes, in a perfect world, you would only start the computer once in the morning, and yes I could use the time to get a coffee. And yes, I could come up with a solution to only check the instruments that I use to cut down the authorization time. Fact is, this is not an open source project, this is a very expensive product that should live up to it's proclaimed standard, not only in sound quality but also in usability.
I use the latest eLicense version on Snow Leopard and I'm still getting the same problems that I had under Leopard. That nice BLANK alert window that something went wrong. Did I mention that that alert window popped up behind other windows so I don't find out after 10 munites and getting suspicious. (note to Developer, the Mac has a feature called "bouncing dock icon" that gets your attention, or how about let the crashed app send me a twitter note that it needs my attention, or anything)
In my opinion (cm, just to let you know, I'm not a programmer) the VSL authorization process causes the crash (Problem 1), but now the buggy eLicense software (Problem 2), draws an empty window on the screen that can not be removed nor can it be force quit, You have to restart your machine, reloading all the other stuff what I had in Memory. It seems that the Syncrosoft engineers are violating basic OSX programming rules the same way VSL is doing that with the VI plugin, that doesn't follow Apple GUI Guidelines.
1) VSL, get rid of that paranoid re-authorization process
2) Syncrosoft, check with VSL to make your product fully compatible with their paranoid re-authorization process
And BTW, just because a problem doesn't happen all the time, doesn't mean that it's not there