Hi Civilization 3,
Was viewing the comments on this post. I run an 8-core Mac and have experienced many issues having to reboot due to Syncrosoft issues. I should say that I assume their Syncrosoft issues because when everything locks up, there is a square image on my screen under the sequencer window...sometimes it just a white square other times it has Syncrosoft Error messages on it. I don't know if it is because I'm up again memory or not. I kinda thought that may be the case.
One question... I use Logic, Pro Tools and Cubase 5. When using Logic or Pro Tools LE, the fans on my Mac run at a low, quiet pace. When I start Cubase, a few seconds later, the fans go into high gear. It's like an airplane taking off. Then awhile later they will back down for a minute or so, then start back up again.
Do you experience this?
I spoke with Cubase support and they advised that Cubase 5 is not support for 8-core Intels yet. That seems strange to me but they said that I would have to wait for the next (post snow leopard) release before Cubase is supported on the 8-core Macs.
Yep the square box! a common issue I fear. Just had it in fact - I accidentally launched Logic 9 on my MacBook Pro which runs Snow Leopard and as the Syncrosoft dongle wasn't in place the Logic AU authorisation (first time i'd launched Logic on this computer in Snow Leopard) crapped out, crashing Vienna Ensemble and sending LCC wild with the resulting white box. The only way forward from there is a re-boot - vicious little thing is the e-licencer!