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  • I agree you will not hear the nuances of constant sound variations in a string section(s) when there is a full orchestral ensemble winding it's way up. You will, however, hear it only too clearly when the sampled strings are exposed - especially when it's legato style lines being played. This has always been the bane of sample libraries - the strings exposed, especially in the higher registers - and this is why good purveyors of sampled music do all they can to hide this fact through 'other' orchestration - which in itself leads to the subject of pieces of music being written to the strengths of the sample library and not the other way round.

    Jay's magnificent effort dilutes quite a large part of this argument, but I could go on to say that on the other side of the coin, in other words when actually trying to write an original piece - it becomes far more difficult in my view, to utilize enormous amounts of available sampled articulations, than when doing it with something already written as in The Rite for example, whereby the articulations are more or less written in tablets of stone based on the A/B ing of one's favourite Rite recording.

  • I don't fully agree with that about the legato lines, though it is true you hear the uniformity of sounds with legato when there are repeated legato phrases - that is a huge problem, almost like the machine gun effect.  The Legato Machine Gun Effect.  In other words, if you have an ostinato that keeps repeating a legato skip from a middle C to an A above it in eighth notes, it will sound artificial in almost the same way as a single note sample being used on a repetition.   This is such a problem because it is, at least with this technology, not correctable without sampling alternate legatos.  Which is a huge undertaking.  A single legato instrument is a huge undertaking!   So perhaps in the future VSL will be able to develop an engine that creates alternations in legato transitions via scripting. 

    However what I don't agree with is on a less repetitive legato line, you don't really hear that extreme uniformity of sound all that much.  It can sound quite natural when exposed.  Witness the other Bacal work on the Vaughn Williams Fantasia. 

    That is an interesting point about the difference between playing a pre-existing work and one's own new work.  It brings up the questions of how much a composer is influenced by the sounds available right in front of him, how difficult it is to use them, how lazy or compromising he is in doing the performance.  Right now I am looking on the VSL as a huge reservoir of sound, a vast ocean of possible expressions, into which one can dive and swim for months (like Jay) or which one can dip one's toes in.  But it allows you to do either stiff, poor performances or beautiful expressive ones, based on how willing you are to use its full potential.  As has been said before, this is the same as a great musical  instrument that one can play badly or brilliantly on, based on musical ability.

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    @Guy said:

    The real question should be, does it sound musical? Period!

    I'd sign that! @ Jay, Oh my God! Standing Ovation, and thanks for sharing, this is truly spectecular!

  •  By the way Jay, what did your piano teacher think of the Rite?

  • Hi Jay,

    I very rarely post on this board. But I couldn't ignore what I just heard without leaving a comment.

    Despite the huge leap forward that VSL provides, with all the MIDI mock-ups I have heard so far I have always felt that the realism is frustratingly lacking. They always get close, but not close enough to make me forget what I'm hearing is just a bunch of samples (albeit cleverly combined). If I hear a MIDI mock-up of a famous piece from the classical repertoire that is substantially inferior to the real thing then in my opinion, from a listener's perspective, the whole thing is pointless. Obviously I'm always going to reach for my recording of Beethoven performed by the LSO, or other respected orchestra, if it moves me more than a sampled rendition. If it doesn't make me want to listen again, then it has ultimately failed in its purpose. And I'm talking about making music for the love of it, rather than when writing for media where the practicalities of time and money severely limit the pursuit of realism and listening pleasure, which play second fiddle to the needs of the project at hand.

    Well I have to tell you that your performance - and I use that word deservingly - has finally overcome those limitations. I can honestly say that vast stretches of your rendition of The Rite of Spring were frighteningly vivid and authentic. With a sampled orchestra there will always be near misses, where you can hear that a transition, or a repeated phrase, or the intensity of a note is not quite right. But these problems have been hammered down into the tiniest of instances by a truly mighty baton of programming excellence.

    I'm sure your efforts will inspire many VSL devotees to try and emulate such a magnificent achievement in their own work.

    Pure genius!


  •  I agree on that. I stopped listening to the fact it was samples and just listened to the music. 

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    @William said:

     I agree on that. I stopped listening to the fact it was samples and just listened to the music. 


    I've noticed that in the last 6 months or so, I've been doing the same thing more and more -- just listening to the musicality of the music. I think recently we've had some very skilled musicians/composers posting. It's such a breath of fresh air to not have to think about the realism and just listen to the artistry of the composition/performance.


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    @Mobius said:

    Hi Jay,

    I very rarely post on this board. But I couldn't ignore what I just heard without leaving a comment.

    Despite the huge leap forward that VSL provides, with all the MIDI mock-ups I have heard so far I have always felt that the realism is frustratingly lacking. They always get close, but not close enough to make me forget what I'm hearing is just a bunch of samples (albeit cleverly combined). If I hear a MIDI mock-up of a famous piece from the classical repertoire that is substantially inferior to the real thing then in my opinion, from a listener's perspective, the whole thing is pointless. Obviously I'm always going to reach for my recording of Beethoven performed by the LSO, or other respected orchestra, if it moves me more than a sampled rendition. If it doesn't make me want to listen again, then it has ultimately failed in its purpose. And I'm talking about making music for the love of it, rather than when writing for media where the practicalities of time and money severely limit the pursuit of realism and listening pleasure, which play second fiddle to the needs of the project at hand.

    Well I have to tell you that your performance - and I use that word deservingly - has finally overcome those limitations. I can honestly say that vast stretches of your rendition of The Rite of Spring were frighteningly vivid and authentic. With a sampled orchestra there will always be near misses, where you can hear that a transition, or a repeated phrase, or the intensity of a note is not quite right. But these problems have been hammered down into the tiniest of instances by a truly mighty baton of programming excellence.

    I'm sure your efforts will inspire many VSL devotees to try and emulate such a magnificent achievement in their own work.

    Pure genius!


    I can't agree with this statement and is not very fair I find. There have been other very realistic mock ups as well, over the past year by various people. Without looking too far listen to Symphony K385 by Mozart and Beethoven 3rd symphony programmed by Yoshitan, which I must say is extremely impressive and realistic. If you tune in more often the recently added page you might be surprised. Vienna Symphonic Library

  •  Guy, thanks for pointing out Yoshitan's new performances.  The Mozart is excellent.  The Beethoven is amazing.  Great stuff!


  • I picked my jaw up from the floor after hearing Yoshitan's performances.  (Let's finally stop using the derisive term "mockup" now, shall we?)

    I would urge you all to listen his the work that has not yet made it to the VSL demo pages:

    Don't worry about not being able to read Japanese. Just click play on any of these and you'll be amazed.  I've been working on Beethoven symphonies for years with VSL and this pretty much takes the cake for now.  Yoshi, I bow down low before your awesomeness!

    - Paul

  • This could become confusing having these symphonies on Jay's Rite of Spring  thread so I'll create one of these 2 awesome works.

  •  Yes,  I also disagreed on this post, because I feel Guy's demos are equally realistic, but also extremely musical and creative.   i don't think - as this person seems to - that all other demos are non-entities, but feel there are quite are few others that show an  incredible array of technical and composing brilliance.

  • I don't know if the poster sent the wrong file to VSL, but the more I listen to these 2 symphony movements, the more it sounds like a real recording, you could hear the breathing noises at all the correct places. Air rushing from string players moving at emotional entrances etc. There is also, specific noises that bows make when they bump the music stand etc.  I know all this can be added but....

  • I know what you mean ... either this guy is very good, or we've been had.  

    BTW, on his own site he mentions that he added breathing noises ... and those bows hitting stands sound a lot like creative and judicious use of the VSL col legno samples.

    Check out his Beethoven piano concerto here:

    You'll  hear a quite odd breakdown in the piano part that completely convinces you it's not an acoustic instrument recording.  Other than that, we seem to now be entering the realm of  "maybe it's TOO realistic to be true." 

    - Paul

  • Yes, I know you could add these background noises, it's just that they are all so well synced with the action, I'd say too well synced!

  • I apologize for starting another topic about this. Administrators can remove that topic if you wish.

    If Yoshitan wants to prove that it is all VSL and not part VSL and part live, 

    I want him to post one minute of either piece without any added noise/s and absolutely no reverb.

    If it is VSL as he is claiming, it will be drier than a fish fart on a sandbar.

    Then to further prove it, he can send a small portion of the midi and the instrument file.


  • C.S.I. Vienna! ;-D

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Thank you Dietz,

    I was about to say I was ready to eat my computer piece after piece of hardware if this is a MIDI mockup.

    Brilliant interpretation by the way...


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    @Mikhail_2 said:


    Brilliant interpretation by the way...


    I agree.  Whoever is performing in those recordings (i.e., whether it's Jay in the Rite or Yoshitan in the Beethoven 3/Mozart 39) he is a masterful musician with deep grasp of phrasing, balance, humor, energy, tone color and timing.  The clarity in the Beethoven 3, for example, is simply stunning. 


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    @Mikhail_2 said:


    Brilliant interpretation by the way...


    I agree.  Whoever is performing in those recordings (i.e., whether it's Jay in the Rite or Yoshitan in the Beethoven 3/Mozart 39) he is a masterful musician with deep grasp of phrasing, balance, humor, energy, tone color and timing.  The clarity in the Beethoven 3, for example, is simply stunning. 


    Yes of course it's nice, but that wasn't the issue here.....