Probably the close position is the best one for such a test. When it comes to resonance sliders, it's always tricky. For example in Ivory you have a knob to turn, but it makes a very artificial effect. How about posting a recording with the standard settings and some increased resonance?
It all may seem stupid, but everything sounds great on prepared recordings, but when you start playing it, you find the hidden disadvantages and drawbacks. From my experience: Akoustik Piano sounds bad on samples and while playing, Pianoteq sounds better, but still far to ideal on samples, however occurs really responsive, Ivory sounds almost great on recordings but does not give the possibility to play with (just plays the samples), and now Vienna Imperial: sounds great on recordings, but how it feels under your own fingers? You may say that it's great, hoever I have heard opinions saying that there's nothing better than Akoustik Piano... Actually I believe VI's samples are ideal, but what I'm afraid of is the DSP.