About Predelay
> sound speed 300m/s > 1m = 3.3ms
Imagine you are standing in the center of a church.
Now clap your hands!
After some ms you will get back the first echos - perhaps from the floor or other close surfaces (after 3-6ms).
Because these reflections arive after a very short time and in nearly every room situation our brain ignores them perhaps
more or less.
Then you will get back the first bundle of reflections from the closest walls and other surfaces (after 15ms - 30ms = 5m - 10m = church?).
These are the "early reflections". Our ears and our brain can "produce" an impression of the room size with this time delay between
direct clap sound and the delayed reflection sound.
So when you increase the predelay time you increase the room size impression which also can give an impression of "farther away" on
the other hand. Of course, there are lots of other parameters which are influencing the building a room impression in our brain such
as the volume balance "direct sound - delayed sound", density of the early reflections... as Dietz mentioned above.
Back to our clap... More and more reflections will now reach your ears. They are mixed into each other. Further you will get
reflections of the reflections... this part of the acoustic feedback we call "reverb".