Let's take flutes for example. I want to write for three flutes on one staff. Each has their own line.
* Without any additional markup, play solo flute for all lines
* If I write "a 2" or "a 3", I get the flute ensemble
* If I write "solo" I get back to solo flute
* (For bonus points... If I write "a 2" on one voice and "solo" on a different voice, I get both... :-)
* (For extra bonus points... If I write for two flute voices, have the second voice use "Flute 2")
* If I'm writing individual lines, can each line have its own legato? In other words, can I write polyphonically and have legato?
I'm guessing that for at least the first three parts, it might work the way mutes work (thanks andi!) but I just haven't tried it yet... Sorry for being lazy.
For strings, there'd be the additional case:
* write "div" (or even "a 4" or some such) and I could use the Chamber Strings matrix