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  • Help - Logic 8 and Yamaha BC3a Breath Controller

    I just received my BC3a and my MIDI Soulutions Breath Controller box this past week.  When I use the BC3a with Vienna in stand-alone mode, I have no problem assigning the Velocity Cross Fade or the Expression sliders to the BC3a controller.  However, while I'm in Logic 8, when I load up Vienna Ensemble, I cannot assing the BC3a to any of the sliders.  It seems that Logic has taken controll over it and has assigned it to the Volume controller.  Can someone help me out and walk me through the steps so that I can use this with Vienna in Logic?

    Thanks everyone!


  • I don't have the box but I'll take a crack at it...

    The MIDI Solutions box sends CC7 as default. The easiest solution would be to use a transformer in Logic's environment to change CC7 output from the box to another CC number. If you are you connecting your controller keyboard through this box (rather than having it's own USB/MIDI connection to Logic) then AFAIK you would have to reprogram the box using sysex.

    Let me know if you need a more detailed explanantion.



  • A step-by-step would be nice.  I'm still not too knowledgeable about Logic 8.  Thanks.


  • In order to give you a better explanation I need to know whether you're running your master keyboard through the MIDI solutions box, or into it's own MIDI/USB interface.



  • Here's my setup...Master Keyboard ---> Midi solutions box ---> Computer.  Hope that helps.


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    Ah well - I can tell you that the problem is not Logic - it's the box. You need to program it to output the breath controller using a different CC number (the default is CC7 which is the standard volume controller).

    Details can be found here. However since I don't own a box I can't talk you through what you need to do, but maybe someone else on the forum can help...

    You could do a forum search and PM one of the people that have one. They'd be able to help you better than I.

    Sorry I can't be more help,


  • Thanks for all of your help anyway.  [:D]


  • The first step is to record some breath controller data onto a MIDI track and look at what it's sending. You can open the event editor to see that.

    Then go into the Click and Ports layer of the Environment and insert a Transformer object to convert whatever the BC is sending to the controller you need.

  • I was actually thinking last night that the easiest way to solve this would to change your master keyboard MIDI output channel. Also - your setup may be nowhere near as complex as I'm imagining!

    If you check the event list as Nick says to see what channel the BC data is on and make a note of it.

    Then check the MIDI output channel of your keyboard by the same method. If the channel is the same as the BC box and you're using a slider or controller on your keyboard to control volume then you'll need to change it (check you keyboard manual for this). Otherwise go to the next step.

    Then, as Nick says add a transformer to the clicks and ports page of the environment and cable it between the Input Notes and Input View objects.

    In the transformer object set channel = (BC box channel number) and leave the box underneath as thru. Set data byte 1 = 7 and change the box underneath to fix 17. This will send out the BC data on CC17 rather than CC7.

    Sorry I didn't think of this in the first place!


  • Thank you very much!  I finally got it to work properly.  I must say that while I love the BC3a, the BC box setup with Logic is a bit of a pain, but it works like a charm now.  Thanks again for all of your help.  [:D]


  • Lee, can you outline how you got it working?

  • Aer Gui Ta,

    I did exactly what mosso above suggested.  If you follow that, then everything should work out.  The only thing (for a newbie like me that is) that I had to figure out for myself, was that in the Click & Ports Environment you have to drag the cable from Input Notes Controller to the new Transformer just created, then drag another cable from the Transformer to the Input View module.  I also changed the from the suggested CC13 to CC2 (Breath Controller).  For a screenshot of what it all looks like go here:

    Hope the picture and everything else helps. [:D]


  • Thank you Lee